Chapter 14: Valentines Day Prepping

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Hercules had only 1 more week with his cast. However, he realized that he had only 1 day until Valentines Day. He didn't know how gay people did their valentines.

"Rainbows?" Alex suggested. "I know! I was born one, I mean!" John pushed Alex out of the way. "It's just like getting a valentine for your pet! Heart chocolates!" John sang the last part.

The room went silent. "That does explain why you've killed so many of your pets, John!" Alex stated, putting his fingers to his chin. John stared blankly. "You know, that's what my dad said right before divorcing my mom," John said with no emotion. Hercules still continued to shuffle through the aisles at Walmart.

"What do Frenchies like, then?" Hercules asked, a little bit of urgency in his voice. "Hm, I don't know," John said. "Well, maybe you could write him a song or something," Alex suggested. "A song? Can I even sing?" Hercules asked. "You have the smoothest voice we know!" John put his arm around Hercules, pulled him in with a laugh, and then pulled Alex in. He planted a kiss on Alex's head.

John let go and skipped down the aisle. Alex ran after him.

Hercules sighed with a smile. He picked up some roses and chocolate. Is Marquis allergic to chocolate? Is he? IS HE?

Hercules shrugged and took them to the cash register. "Special lady?" The girl at the cash register took the things and scanned them with a smile. Hercules chuckled,"Well, a special guy!" "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Oh, isnt that precious? I can tell how much you love him from your face!" She grinned at the blushing Herc.

Hercules took the bag,"Thank you, ma'am!" Alex and John came dashing from an aisle. "I beat you!" John screamed at him. "No, you didn't!" Alex argued. The two kissed each other, and then laughed.

"Calm down, boys!" The lady at the register laughed. She was in her 50's or 60's, so she treated everyone like young children. "We're seniors," John chimed, crossing his arms and stuck his head up with a smile. The lady laughed,"Okay, kids, we're about to close up!" She reminded them.

John and Hercules walked out to John's car. Alex walked up to the lady,"Hey, I'll be right back. Gotta sneak a gift," he ran to the valentines aisle and back with a huge amount of stuff.

"Wow, your partner must be getting a ton of stuff!" She grinned, scanning them and putting them in a bag. Alex checked his watch and said,"Actually, I have 2." The lady stopped backing his bags. "Dear,you're going to break hearts. It's none of my business, but know that you're a cruel person," she told him, and he could hear the shamefulness in her voice.

"I know. I'm going to figure it out soon before people get hurt," you could tell Alex was telling the truth because he had hints of shame in his own voice. "Good luck, boy." She waved as he left.

  Her voice rang in his head. She was right. He had to break it to Eliza. He couldn't do it on Valentine's Day! Alex hopped into the backseat. "I called shot gun!" Hercules rang, proudly.

  John and Alex laughed.


   Hercules rose that morning and headed straight downstairs. He had already gotten his mom something with James. They planned to make her breakfast.

  James started coughing. "Ew, man! Don't cough in the food!" Hercules laughed. "Mom gets back from work at 7:00, so let's do this!" James sounded actually excited to work.

  "Uh, does mom like pancakes?" Hercules asked. James shrugged,"We've never really eaten much breakfast with her!"

  They rushed around the kitchen and somehow managed to burn water. "I'm gonna cook for Tommy one day!" James sounded really proud for himself. "And that's when he'll divorce you!" Hercules joked. "Hey!" James laughed.

  They took out burnt pancakes and orange juice. Hercules placed chocolate kisses on the side, and a bottle of whip cream. "I really wanna eat this myself," Hercules drooled. He then bumped his cast into the cabinet and quietly shrieked in pain. James shoved his face away and then coughed into his arm. "No way!"


  Sarah walked in and sat her purse down. "Oh, gosh!" She gasped with a smile. She tried to run in heels like a prissy princess and grabbed he plate that was sitting on the table one light over it.

   "Mother! This is an intervention," Hercules popped up behind her. She gasped and turned around. "Hey, Herc!" She said, softly. James walked right next to him. "It's Valentines Day and we have a request!" James smiled.

   She laughed at the fact the two would do this for her. She wasn't really paying attention to the intervention part.

  "What is it?" She asked with a smile. "Okay, Mom. You said you wanted to make it up to me. Can you pay for my boyfriend and I to go to a fancy restaurant and I'll pay you back and-" Hercules was silenced by her voice. "Of course, Hercules. It's the least I can do. I don't want you to pay me back either. We've inherited a ton of money, so let's not worry about it," she grinned. Hercules was about to cry, he was so happy. James and Hercules hugged her.

   She gave Hercules the info on her credit card so he could use it.


   Hercules stood at the door with a box of chocolates and flowers in one hand and his cast in the other. He used his head to knock on the door. Marquis slightly opened it, confused. "Bonjour, Hercules!" He then looked excited.

   "For you," Hercules handed him everything. Marquis grabbed the stuff with a huge smile. He quickly sat it down, though. "Mon amour! Je t'aime, Hercules!" Marquis attacked him, not even caring about his cast. He then kissed Hercules right on the lips. The two melted into it, then Marquis smiled and ran into his room. Hercules was very confused.

  Marquis came running back with a card and a necklace. The French one was in a transe, looking into Hercules' eyes. He almost missed giving the card to Hercules hand's, but he grabbed it before it fell. Marquis put a necklace around his boyfriend. The two smiled at each other. "What is this?" Hercules asked with a smile. Marquis looked around not knowing what the English translation was.

   "It doesn't matter," Hercules told him. Marquis grinned back. The two joined in for another kiss and then held hands. "So, do you like dinner?" Hercules asked without thinking.

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