Chapter 12: Hugh crashed the Car. Oh, no?

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Like my beautiful titles? I think they very much stand out.


   A week has passed since the hospital trip. Nothing really odd or important had happened. The funeral for Hugh Mulligan was the upcoming Saturday.

"Mom," Hercules got up off his bed, oddly. He didn't have his right hand to help him get up. His mother who had smudged makeup, helped him up. "Thomas is taking James to his appointment. Thomas is such a good friend!" Sarah, his mother, tried to smile and start a conversation.

Hercules nodded,"Yeah," he put his attention towards the window in front of his house. He was now sitting at the same table he was thrown from. Everything was coming back to him. "Hercules, you look like a hoodlum with that bandana on!" She complained, attempting to take it off of him. Hercules swatted her with his free arm, then pressed his hand against the banana to stop her from taking it.

"Marquis says it's unique," Hercules protested, with a blush. "Who's Marquis again?" She asked, confused. "My boyfriend," he sighed, sort of angry. She looked embarrassed,"Oh, of course! That French kid, huh? Well, sweetie, he's from a different country where things are a bit different," she said, talking like she's talking to a 3 year old. That's how she always talks.

Hercules sighed again,"Mom, Thomas is taking James and I to go gather our things since I guess dad wants us to go to another school," he said, irritated. He got up and didn't even bother to push in the chair.

"Oh, well, that's-Nice!" Sarah just wanted to have a new kind of relationship with her son. In the past she'd be doing something else or having Hugh take care of them on weekdays. She worked a lot! "Son," she said as he was about to walk out the door. He turned around, with an irritated face.

   She looked him straight in the eye,"I want you to stay. Your fa- Hugh's decision was something I did not approve of. You and James are such kind people, Hercules. Please, just please let me be there for you now that I can be your mom full time! I'll buy you a car, I'll buy-" she tried to beg him. "I don't want your stupid money. I'm going with Thomas and James and we can find something else to do, then." He slammed the door.

   He stood out there and waited for the car. Thomas pulled up, blasting Spice Girls. "Get in, loser, we're going to school!" Thomas said over the music.

  Hercules awkwardly climbed into the backseat with the help of his brother and Thomas. He only had one hand, and he was still pretty New to it. Thomas' car was bright purple and very sparkly convertible. He sat in the car and the first thing he asked was,"Why Spice Girls?" Thomas responded with,"When you hop into my Sparkly, beautiful, magnificent car!- You get sparkly, beautiful, and magnificent music!" He grinned.

  "Oh, gosh," Hercules stated. James laughed. He went to kiss Thomas on the cheek. That's when Hercules told them,"Um, Mom said we can stay at school now apparently. But, can we still go out and do something?" Hercules asked. 

   Thomas nodded,"I mean, we're already in the car!" He added a chuckled. James almost freaked out again,"We get to sta-" he started coughing. "I don't think that wreck was what cha needed,honey!" Thomas rubbed James' back while on the wheel. James took a short breath, whipped out his inhaler, and took a whiff.

  "James, when are you telling mom? Or our other family members?" Hercules asked, concerned. James was too busy inhaling, so Thomas answered. "Apparently, there's a family gathering this weekend after the funeral, and that's when he is going to do it," he informed. "Oh," Hercules followed. Hercules wasn't even sure who knew of himself. Maybe he could invite Marquis.

  "Are you going, Thomas?" Hercules asked. Thomas nodded with a smile,"Duh!" James then let out a small laugh.

  The two, Thomas and James, grinned at each other. Thomas drove over to the same place Hercules spotted them. "Hey, this is where I spotted you two," Hercules laughed, pointing to around the same spot Thomas and James were standing.

  The two laughed and nodded,"That was when we ran off like you didn't see us. Who knew you were just like us!" Thomas laughed.

  "Yeah," Hercules never had liked Thomas, but now that all these past events had happened, he might be growing on him.


   Hercules sat with his cone at a table with Thomas and James. That's when John popped out of a bush,"I knew it!" He screamed. Alex then wobbly stood up mumbled,"Hi," with a wave.

   Alex ran up to Hercules and pointed him,"You betrayed us for Thomas freaking Jefferson!" His hand shook. "It's a Meme Team promise that you don't talk to him or at least be friends with him!" John pulled out a huge book. That's when a paper slid out of the book. Thomas picked it up and it was a love letter written to John by Alex.

  "Cold in my professions, warm in [my] friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it m[ight] be in my power, by action rather than words, [to] convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You sh[ould] not have taken advantage of my sensibility to ste[al] into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me

      Yours forever,
                Alex. " Thomas read aloud.

   John blushed and gasped. "Everyone's going to see this!" Thomas laughed. Alex looked him straight in the eyes, face filled with fear, and said,"No, Thomas. I have to stay with Eliza!" Alex couldn't grab it from him.

   James put his hand on Thomas' cheek. "Please, Thomas," he looked him in the eye. Thomas fell for it completely. He then gave it to Alex without even looking away from James.

  Hercules just stared at John and Alex in shock. "We can explain," John's face was deeply red.


  Hamilton was so fantastic yesterday! I just want to watch it over and over again. I like the Chicago cast the same or better than the original recording somehow. They were THAT good. The only two that weren't as good as the original were Wallace Smith and Johnathon Kirkland. They were still really good though! The two just had a lot lower of a pitch which was weird with me hearing a higher pitch from Oak and Christopher. That's the only thing I didn't like about them, but they are all amazingly talented. If I was given an opportunity to watch the original cast or the Chicago, I'd have to actually hardly think about it. I absolutely loved Joseph Morales as Hamilton. He was so freaking amazing. <3 Chris Lee is the ultimate Lafayette and Jefferson. He was so hilarious and funny. I haven't seen Daveed obviously, but I don't know how he, even though he's the OG, can beat Chris Lee. He was just so hilarious.

  The jeffmads was strong in all of act 2. Trust me. It is.



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