# 1

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I don't know what happened to me. I was just looking for my mom. Our of nowhere this man looked like my dad... was my dad had dark red eyes. That horrible night will never escape my mind. But every time I try to tell my story, they think I am crazy. Well, the spirits that can see me. But sadly I can't talk to anyone anymore.

My name is Lee Y/N and I am a spirit. Actually a lost spirit due to my stupid actions. I don't know what happened to me, all I know is that someone is hunting me. That someone is my father. You are probably wondering what I am talking about huh? Well this all started on March 17,2011. So I was 17 at around this time.

* Flashback *
Y/N was walking home from the arcade. One she got to her house she had felt something she had never felt before, tension and pure darkness. But she shrugged it off.
"Hey Mom and Dad!" Nothing, everything was silent. Which was weird because you just saw their cars in the drive way a few seconds ago. "Hello! Anyone home!" Still silence. Then, you heard some weird sounds coming from the living room. "Hello?" Suddenly, a figure turns around. Your father, with glowing red eyes and blood coming out from his mouth. Your mother dead on the floor with a huge red spot on her chest and her heart next to her head.
"AHHH! Mom! DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You yelled in terror. All he did was stand up, he looked and smirked. "Can't you see my dear, I am eating my lunch." He said while chuckling. You couldn't move, you were mortified at the scene you just saw. You were so into your that you didn't realize that he was standing behind you. You felt his cold breath. You gulped. "Please don't hurt me." "Don't worry dear, I will make it quick so you won't feel a thing." You suddenly start to feel your body weaken. You saw your own blood falling on the floor. Then you lungs in the hands of your father. That was the last image you saw before you blacked out.

-- Six Years Later --

You wake and see a white light in your face. You block the light with you hands. You sit up and realize you are on a bed. You kept asking yourself millions of questions. 'Where am I?' 'How did I get here?' 'Where is my mom?'
"Hello! Your name is Lee
Y/N. Date and time of death; March 17,2011." You were so confused when she said death. "Um ma'am, what are you talking about? I am not dead." Giving you a annoyed look she said," listen young lady, I deal with people like you everyday. I will say the same thing again, You are dead! You don't exist in the planet anymore! You are a spirit!"

Once those words came out from her mouth, you went hysterical. You needed and wanted to wake up from this bad dream. In the corner of your eye, you spot a blue button. You ran up to it and pressed it. Nothing happened at first, then the ground started to shake. "Why did you press that you idiot?!"
"What is happening?"
"It will take one spirit back to Earth!"
"What will happen to the spirit?" You asked worriedly.
"The spirit will be hunted by a demon." She said.

To your luck, a green light shined above you. You started floating. "What is happening?!?" "Someone please help me!"
"Here! Lee Y/N! This will help you!" She threw a green necklace. "Put it on! It will help you!" Before you knew it, you vanished and ended up in a dark room with one window.

"Where am I?" A gold light was sparkling. Which caught your eye. You walked towards the book and opened it. The title of the book was called, " Destiny's Guide." You opened the book and gasped at what is says....

'Lee Y/N, this book has been waiting for you and Kim Taehyung'

You thought ' who's Kim Taehyung?'

A/N: Hello everyone here is chapter one of my new fanfic! Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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