# 3

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'Why is this dude so heavy?' You thought as were carrying him to the sofa.

-- A few hours later --
Taehyung woke up. "Where am I?" He asked in panic mode. He turned around and saw you standing there crossing your arms. "Who are you?!" He asked jumping off from the sofa and dashing to the other side of the room.

"Humans. Always scared of everything." You said chuckling. "H-Humans? What do you mean?" He said in confusion and terror. "Oh I forgot! I am a spirit."
"Are you a stalker?" He asked in a little annoyed tone.
"No! I am Y/N, I am a spirit. I am hiding from someone."
"Someone..... wait! What was your name again?"
"Um... Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." You gasped making him flinch a little.
"W-What?" You pointed to him making him take a step back.
"Your the person!" He started laughing.

"Ok where are the cameras! I know you guys are pranking me!" He started walking around the room looking for something. You got annoyed and used your powers to pick him up and make home stand in front of you.

Once he realized what just happened, he widened his eyes and was about to scream when you covered his mouth because you heard something.

"Shh! Someone is coming!" You said and pulled his arm and lead him into a hidden portal in the library.

"Taehyung! Where are you?! Taehyung!" Namjoon said/yelled. "That is my friend, don't worry, he is harmless. Just let me out of this weird thing we are in." Said pointing around the portal.

You were hesitant at first however, you suddenly felt safe and felt like you can trust him. So, you pulled the portal down. "Taehyung! There you are!"

"Yeah. I was here just snooping around." He looked at you hiding on the top of the bookshelf. Your eyes glowing a light purple. But he ignored it and was looking for an excuse. " I was just looking at this cool globe. It was interesting." He said twisting the globe.

"Ok then! Come downstairs to the dining table, we will be eating." He said walking out. You heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close. It is the first time I've seen more than one human being up close." You said chuckling." Your stomach growling. You started chuckling.

"So..... what's for dinner?"


A/N: Hello! How is everyone? BTS is in the top nominees for the Top Social Artist! Keep voting!

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