# 2

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Taehyungs's POV
We finally came back to Seoul from America. It is nice to be home again. "Taehyung!" "Ne hyung." "Can you bring me my luggage, I left it with manager hyung." Namjoon said said face palming. "Ne hyung."

As I was walking, I heard someone strange voices, like someone was calling my name. But I just shrugged it off. When I got to manager hyung's office, I heard him talking on the the phone.

*Phone call*
- "Yes, they really deserve a break."
~ "Sir, do you realize how expensive it would be?"
- "Yes, but it is worth it. Plus on one will know where they are. They will be safe and happy there for a few months."
~ "Alright sir. See you tomorrow."
-"Yes! See you tomorrow!"

*phone call ends*

"Oh Kim Taehyung." "Oh hello manager hyung. We are leaving?" "Here! Give this back to Namjoon and tell everyone to come to my office." Manager gives Taehyung the luggage.

"Here hyung." "Thank you!" As he was about to walk away,"Wait everyone!" Everyone was looking at me. "What?" Jungkook said in annoyance. "Manager hyung wants to see us."

We were now sitting in front of manager hyung. He had a happy face on, which was rare. "Guys! I know you are exhausted these days. So... i rented a mansion for you guys to stay there for a few months."

Everyone went wild. "Really?" "Are you sure?" "Yes!"
"But on one condition." He said with a serious face," do not do anything that will ruin your reputation." "Yes!" We all said at once.

*On the private jet*

"I can't wait!" Jungkook said in excitement.
"I've always wanted to nap in a mansion." Hyung said smoothly.
"I wonder how good the cooking is?" Jin- hyung said.
I just took a nap since I was still jet lagged.

*At the mansion*

"Woah!" We all said at once. "Call this room!" Jungkook said. Soon enough everyone got their room, they all fell asleep. I guess everyone was jet lagged as well.

I wanted to wonder around the mansion."Taehyung." I heard someone calling my name. I was coming from the third floor. It sounded like a girl's voice. "Taehyung." As soon got to the third floor, the top floor, I heard my name more clearer and her voice was getting louder.

The voice was coming from the third door. I was hesitant, but I opened the door. I walked in, "Hello! Someone called my name! Who was it?" I felt something behind me. I turned around and...


I kept repeating that name trying to figure out who that was. I heard the door open. I quickly went up to the tallest bookshelf. I saw a man. "Hello! Someone called my name! Who was it?" 'Could it really be him?' I thought. I went behind him trying to figure out who he was. But he turned around. I wasn't worried because mortals can't see spirits.

Narrator's POV

Taehyung turned around to see a glowing person behind him.
"AHHH!" Y/N suddenly realized that the mortal could see her.
"AHHH! YOU CAN SEE ME?!" Taehyung turned white and fainted. Y/N went up to him and started poking him saying, " Are you okay?"

A/N: Hello! Here is chapter 2!

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