13:13 Ineffable

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  - adjective
: too great, powerful, beautiful, etc., to be described or expressed

My Grade 10 English Teacher taught us some new vocabulary words and the word 'ineffable' caught my attention. Too great to be expressed? Too great to put into words? Are you kidding me? Does it exist?

Words are too powerful and it's impossible that things around me wouldn't be transferred into words.

Not until you came.

I love writing. Writing is my passion and my great relief. I write stories and poems about people who left me. It is a sign or my way of showing and screaming that "I'M OVER IT!"

But then I met you.

I remember a question you asked me,

"If you're going to write a book about me, what would be its title?"

I was caught off guard by that question. I never thought about it because I don't want to write a book about you even though I write letters and poems for you, it's another story though.

I don't want to write a book about you, about us, because books have endings and I want us to be a never-ending story.

But I still answered you through a long written letter I made.


It is the title I have given to you.

I thought about not writing it before because I know our story will never end.


Here I am writing it.

I am writing to you.

I am writing about us.

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