Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

The New Kid?!?!

I walked past the park and I saw “the bench”. This was the bench where I had first met Kane. It was only last week, but it felt like I had known him for years. As soon as I sat down on the cold bench, the memory of that night started playing inside my head.

*On Monday last week*

It had been a cold winter’s day when I was walking past the park when I saw a young man about my age sitting on a bench all bundled up and sipping a warm drink. I decided to walk over to him.

We had started talking. We talked for a little while before I had spilled both of our drinks and made a huge mess! I was cleaning it up before I saw my watch. I had to leave him there with a few napkins while I ran off, covered with the drinks that I had spilled, and got onto my bus. I had also accidently given him my new cell number so I…


I opened my eyes and noticed that I had fallen asleep. I also noticed that I was no longer cold; I was in a warm room and in a bed none the less. When I sat up and moved my hand to the side, I touched something, or someone, and jumped instantly. The thing that I touched moved and faced me. I noticed that it was Kane whom I had touched!! I jumped out of the bed and yelled when I saw him, then tripped and fell onto the couch.

Kane looked at me with wide eyes. He looked as if he was confused or shocked, or both. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. I had hit my head on the back of the couch when I fell. He got up and left the room; when he returned, he had an ice pack. He handed it to me and I put it on the back of my head.

He sat back down on his bed and continued to look at me. I also looked at him, but the way I was looking at him, was in confusion. He got up and sat down beside me. I looked up at him, still confused.

He started to explain how he had seen me on the bench sleeping. My mother had called my cell so he answered it. My mom was worried because I wasn’t home yet and then Kane explained to her that I was sleeping. He said that she asked where we were, and that he had told her that I was at his house sleeping. My mom had said to him: “Okay. Just make sure he’s home before dark and if he spends the night again, make sure you call first.”

When Kane got gone explaining all of this to me, my facial expression was no longer confused, well not as confused as before that is.

“Why did you bring me here Kane? I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me now.”

He looked at me shocked “Who told you that nonsense?”

“Well, you never wanted to see me. My calls went straight to voicemail, and when I came over, your mom and dad said that you didn’t want to see anyone at the moment, so I thought that you were avoiding me.”

I looked down when I said that. I felt as if I was about to cry again. Bringing up all of those memories of last week, made me feel uneasy and sad.

Kane’s hand hit his face and then he looked over at me removing his hand.

“Sorry about that Ryan. I was grounded.”

“Why were you grounded?”

“It was nothing, don’t even worry about it.”

After that we started talking awhile. When Kane went into the kitchen to get a few snacks, I walked over to his desk to see what time it was. IT WAS 10:35PM!! When I walked into the kitchen to tell Kane that I had to go, I saw him on the phone. I waited awhile until he was off. When he started walking back to the room, I ran back over and sat on the couch.

“I just got off the phone with your mom.”

I looked at him with wide, shocked eyes.


“I told her that you would be spending the night tonight.”

“But it’s a school night Kane. I have to go home.”

“Calm down Ryan, don’t freight. It’ll all be fine. I’ll even walk with you to your bus stop.”

He smiled and got out a knife. He started cutting the small pizza in half, then cutting little slices. He put half of it onto my plate and half onto his.

We started eating our dinner. I had ended up finishing mine first, because it was the first time I had eaten today, I was so hungry. Kane was still eating when he felt my head on his shoulder. He looked over at me and laughed a little. I had fallen asleep on him. When he was done with his pizza, he picked me up and put me back into the bed. He got in beside me and went to sleep too.


*BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BE…*

The alarm was going off. Kane shut it off and got up.

*10 minutes later*

Kane came in and woke me up. I smelled something really, really good.

“What smells so good?”

“I made us breakfast. Come and get it while it’s still hot.”

I got up and followed Kane into the dining room. He pulled a chair out for me and him. We sat down and had our breakfast.

When we were done, I went to the bathroom. Kane cleaned up and did the dishes that we had made. When we were both done, we went back to his room to change. He grabbed a paper bag and went into the bathroom. I noticed that I was in a pair of Kane’s pajamas.

Wait… I’m in, KANE’S PAJAMAS!?!?!?

I realized that he must have changed me when I was sleeping. I cheeked to make sure that I was still in the same underwear.

” I let out a big sigh of relief “Thank goodness. I’m glad he didn’t change those.

I got changed into my school uniform and gathered my things together. When Kane came out of the bathroom, he was wearing one of my school’s uniforms.

“Um… Kane?”


“Do you…go to my…school now?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Ju…just wondering…”


Now I understood why my mother allowed me to spend the night again tonight, and why Kane said that he would walk with me to my bus stop. It’s because he goes to my school now!

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