Part 8~ Continuing

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         I open the front door to my house and my parents are sitting there looking at me right when I step into the house. "Stop right there." my dad says. I cover my face and my dad walks over to me. "Open your mouth." he says demanding me. I just shake my head. My dad grabs my face and sniffed around my face. "She has been drinking." he says giving me that I'm going to kill you look. I move my head away from him "Of course you would know what that smells like." I say rolling my eyes

"Watch you mouth." he says raising his voice at me 

"When did you two care what I did?" I snapped 

" We are your parents and you don't speak to us that way." my mother says pointing at me 

    I look at both of them and start laughing. I roll my eyes and walk up to my room. I taste the awful taste of the beer I drank last night.  I get in the shower and get dressed. 


       I opened my locker and con-fete shot out of it. "Dammit Noah." I say angrily. Everyone was looking at me and laughing. I turned around and everyone stopped laughing,but at the end of the hall I see Noah laughing. I go sprinting down the hall and jump on him and we tumbled to the ground "Hey Princess if you wanted to do this why didn't you ask." he says smirking at me with his charming smile. "Your Nasty." I say hitting him in his chest. I started to get up and he pulled me down again and our faces were so close. Once again. I can smell his minty breath. He started to pull my face to his and I leaned in about to kiss him. My lips brushed his lips barley and he bit his lip. I moved to his ear. "SIKE!" I say whispering into his ear. I pull away from him smirking and walking away.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I say in my nicest way 

"No." Mr. Smith says 

       I just grab my book bag and walk out and went to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and went to use it. I walk out the bathroom and Noah is looking at me. "What the hell are you-" I say getting interrupted. He pushed my back against the wall. He leaned against me and pressed his lips on my neck. My breathing has increased a lot and he smirked against my neck. I pushed him away and he came back to me. He pressed me against the wall again hovering over me and he kissed me softly on the lips. I pulled apart and he pulled me back into the kiss. Our kiss became more passionate every time we kissed each other. He picks me up and sits me on the sink. I pull apart "wait we can't do this." 

"Why not?" he says smirking at me 

"I have a boyfriend." I say freaking out

   He looks at me. He pulls my hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. He puts me down on the ground and winks at me before he leaves. 

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