Part 12

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             I started to lift my head, but it goes back down. I tried to lift my hands, but they were strapped down. My feet are strapped down too and I can't even move. I'm trying to get up and its not working, but then I here a door squeak open. I try to untangle from the straps that I was trapped underneath. Then someone touches my hair. My breathing increases rapidly and I can't even breath. The person is stroking my cheek. I can't even open my eyes. I don't want to know who it is I'm afraid. They start touching my skin and I move my head back in fourth for this person not to kiss me or anything. I finally opened my eyes and it feels like my heart just fell out of my chest. "Dad what are you doing? Why me?" I start crying and he gets on top of me and he rubs my collar bone. "KISS ME!" he says with a smirk on his face and he is slurring his words

"NO." I said moving my face away from his and tears start to go down my cheek

   He leans in more and he kisses me on the lips. My mom walks in and starts holding me down for me to stay still. "MOM PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME! MOM MOM MOM NO NO NO PLEASE STOP! STOP! NO STOP!" I keep screaming and yelling for them to stop, but they don't. 

    Then I here "MIA! MIA! MIA! WAKE UP!" someone is shaking me trying to wake me. "NO PLEASE STOP." I say screaming one last time. I grab the covers and my heart was pounding 90 miles per hour. "Mia it was just a dream." Noah says whispering 

"Dream?" I say with my breathing decreasing 

    Noah gets in the bed with me. He pulls me closer to him. I leaned right into his chest. His comforting was so nice and warm. I could tell he didn't have a shirt on because I can feel his abs on my head. I look up at his abs and I see black ink all over his arms and upper chest. I started tracing the the black ink with my finger. 

~Noah's Pov~

         Mia is looking at my tattoo's tracing them with every finger like its a coloring book. She moved down to my upper chest and she  stops and hesitated to keep going. She just looks at  me like she is asking for permission to keep going or do I want here to stop. I just sit there and not giving her any answer. I want her to do whatever she is comfortable doing. She starts tracing my tattoo's again, but she starts sitting up and closing the gap in between us. My heart starting to race way more faster. This is the first time in forever some girl has made me so happy. I just look at her eyes. Her eyes is full of wonder when she traces every tattoo. She looks at me and then flips on the lamp by the bed. She looks at all of them grasping how many is actually on my body. Her eyes start sparkling "Do you think I can get a tattoo?" 

~Mia's Pov~

"You want a tattoo?" he says with a smirk 

"Yeah I want a tattoo." I say getting excited a little 

     He covers his face. He starts covering his face with his hands. Then he starts bursting into laughter. "Is he laughing at me? Why is he laughing at me? What is he laughing at?" I think in my head. He uncovers his face and his face is so red, and he is gasping for air. "Your funny!" he says chuckling at me still 

   I stomp off the bed and start to walk away. "Wait no." Noah says grabbing my wrist and pulling me back were we are face-to-face. "I'll think about taking you sooner or later." he says giving in 

   I jump up and down squealing and bouncing on the bed. "OMGOSH this is amazing!" I say jumping on his lap an giving him a big hug. I pull away and he lifts my chin up and moves my hair back. He leans in and kisses me. Our kiss was smooth and tinder. He leans back on the bed making us lay down. He grabs my waist while we r kissing. I could feel his abs against his shirt he gave me to sleep in. "mmm" He says says moaning  

~Noah's Pov~

       Mia pulls my hair and I accidentally moaned out loud. "Did I find your weakness?" she says smirking at me.

I smirk at her.

   Her smile grew bigger and I pulled her back into the breath taking kiss. I moved my hand up and down her thigh and then I grabbed her waist again. Then I started kissing her neck and she moaned way louder than I did. "I found yours!" I say smirking at her 

  Her face turns red. I just realized what we were doing. "Mia we can't do this right now. You now right?" I say looking straight into her eyes 

"Yeah" she says pushing her self off of me 

   She nods in agreement and then she gets off of me. She lays on the other side of the bed. She turns out the light and pulls the cover and goes fast asleep. My feelings are crushed I can't even breath. I kissed her forehead and walked over to the small couch in my room.  

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