Part 14~ Leaving

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RING! RING! RING! I here this annoying nose from behind me. I turn around and grab my phone and its says Emily. I have to prepare myself from what she is about to say to me.  

"OMGOSH MIA?" she says worried 

"NO IT'S BOB." I say sarcastically 

"MIA YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" she says screaming into the phone now 

"I'm ok I promise you everything will be okay." I say trying to calm her down 

"WHERE ARE YOU?" she says yelling again,but making my ears ring 

"Can you stop yelling and I'm okay. I'm with Noah." I say biting my lip 

"NOAH?" she says with anger 

"I know I kno-" I say getting interrupted 

"What about Lucas? Where is Lucas? Liam? Are you even in our... our.....our... TOWN? she says

" I can explain later okay." I say trying to stay calm and not snap at her for being annoying 

           "You can't-"she says before I here a the door downstairs clicks shut. "Brb." I say hanging up the phone before Emily could say anything else to me. I start tip toeing down stares when I heard whispers. I get to the bottom of the stairs and see Liam, Lucas, and Noah. They stop whispering and look at me. Liam opens his arms and literally lifts me off the last step and twirls me around. "I've missed you!" he says putting me down. I gave him a hug and said "me too!" Lucas comes over by me and pulls me into a great big teddy bear hug and kisses my forehead. "I've missed you!" I hug him back and let go. Noah just looks at me. He doesn't even hug me, kiss me, or say anything. 

"We need to pack up and go." Noah says looking into my eyes 

"Go?" I say confused 

   Noah walks to a closet past the kitchen and pulls out big black duffel bags from the closet. Then he digs right back into the closet with several weapons. He starts stuffing them into the duffel bags not even going to explain why he needs them. "WE NEED TO HURRY!" he says yelling at Liam and Lucas 

     They pulled out more duffel bags,but they were filling it with black clothes. I was thinking how did they get all that stuff to fit in that little ass closet. I watched them pack and keep packing,but I have no idea why. "Where are you going?" I finally say with courage

"We have to do business." Noah says not looking at me,but he is still packing 

   I go over by him and grab his arm. Liam and Lucas are looking at Noah and I. "Your not just going to leave me here?" I say with tears in my eyes 

   Noah shrugs me off  "we have to." he says softly and looking up at me. He tries walking out of my sight,but I just keep walking in his way. "Mia move." he says firmly 

"Please don't leave me." I beg him 

"Liam and Lucas get Mia." he says demanding him

   Liam and Lucas grabs my arms. I start kicking and trying to brake free from there grip. "NO NO NO... YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME NOAH!" I say shouting at him

    He just walks right past me and go's out the door with most of the bags he could carry. I gave Lucas and Liam a big tug and they let go of me. I swung that front door open,but Noah was standing there about to open it. I jumped on him and held tight. I held so tight that he couldn't get me off of him. "MIA PLEASE." he says walking back into the house

"Please don't leave me Noah." I say with tears rolling down my face

He opens the door and walks up stares. He opens his bedroom door and Liam and Lucas are looking at us. "Noah NO NO NO NO NO... Please don't YOU CAN'T JUST WALK OUT ON ME! YOU CAN'T JUST HAVE ME WAIT FOR YOU FOREVER! NOAH....NOAH...PLEASE." I say shouting and crying 

"I LOVE YOU TOO." he says cupping my face in his hands 

          He looks at me and kisses me. He makes our kiss passionate and tender. His lips were soft against mine, until he started to make the the kiss at a fast past He started to pull away and started to whip my tears away. He kissed my forehead and before he was about to exit the room after Liam and Lucas. 

   ~Before we meet again my Princess~ Noah says 

Author's Note: Thank you all so much! The Dare has 17 people reading it and that makes me so happy! I love you all so much! Sorry about not writing a chapter as often I've just been busy and stuff keep popping up so you have to bare with me. Thank you all so much! You all mean the world to me! 

Thank you! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

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