Part 21

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I turn around to wake up Noah and he's not here. On my way down stairs I grab the bat from the closet. I was going down the stairs were I heard another CRASH! to the ground. There is a guy in all black clothes Throwing  things on the ground and looking threw everything. He looks straight at me. "SHIT!" 

    I run upstairs and the guy is coming after me. "Fuck." I say falling on the stairs. He grabs my legs and I kick him in the face making him hold his nose. I run upstairs and try to shut the door,but he puts his foot in my way. I finally push the door shut and he screams in pain. I push a chair in front of the door and I hid underneath the bed. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! I here on the door. Then I here BOOM! The door flies open and I cover my mouth for me not to scream. "Mia where are you?" the guys says

"MIA." he says chuckling 

   I turn around to see Lucas. "Lucas what the he-." I say getting interrupted. Lucas covers my mouth. He pulls me closer to his chest holding me very tightly. The person is going through the drawers, closets, bathrooms, everywhere. He looks underneath the bed and grabs my foot. He drags me out from underneath the bed and gets on top me. Lucas pulls the guy off of me and puts him against the wall. Liam runs into the room picking me up from the ground. Lucas pulls out his gun pointing it at the mystery guy. The mystery guy punches Lucas in the face making stumble back into the mini dresser. The guy kicks Lucas until blood starts streaming out his mouth. "RUN MIA!" Liam yells

   Liam grabs the guy and the guy elbows him in the face. The guy turns around and punches Liam in the face and he fell to the ground. He kicks and punches him until he has blood streaming out of his mouth too. I grab the gun and point it at the guys head. "GET UP!" I yell making him get up. 

"You won't shoot me." He says smirking 

  I was about to pull the guns trigger when the guy runs into me making me crash on the ground making me hit my head on the ground. The gun flies from my hands and the guy gets on top of me. He puts a cloth over my face and one big sniff and struggling to get the cloth of my face everything goes black.

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