Part 34~ Our One Year Anniversary

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      Noah and I have been dating over a year. I guess you can call it dating, but whatever Noah and I are. We have been through thick and thin together. We are partners in crime. Literally. He's my ride or die. I would do anything for him and he knows that. Noah is planning something for me. Tonight... Wait Tonight we are doing something special just the two of us! I can't wait!


    I wake up to the sun shinning into my eyes. I squint my eyes to make them focus. The blinds are wide open "What the hell Noah?" I say out loud to myself

I turn over and Noah is gone, but there is a note left in his spot 

~ Note ~

       I tried to think of the sweetest way to wake you up. But all I can think of is you. So I ended up giving you the simplest morning greeting my heart could ever know; "I love you!" 

I've made breakfast and I promise I will be back. Lucas, Liam, and I had to run some errands real quick. 

Happy Anniversary Sweet Cheeks! *smirking*

Love, Daddy *smirking and biting his lip*

~ Phone Call ~

"Sweet cheeks?" Noah says chuckling 

"Daddy?" I say smirking 

"Your going to make me get turned on..." I say getting interupted

"Shhh don't say that around the others..." I say blushing 

*Liam and Lucas in the bckground*

"We have heard worse." They both say at the same time 

"Stop..." I say softly 

"Okay. Okay. But look into the closet there is a gift bag in there." he says 

"Noah..." I say getting interupted 

"I know, but I got to go" he says 




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   Noah and I just arrived at our destination. He gets put the car and park. Noah gets out first and helps me out the car. "DAMN! SWEET CHEEKS!" He says loudly making people stare 

"Thank you! You look yummy!" I say blushing 

"Yummy?" he says smiking

"I meant really good!" I say smirking 


   Noah and I are on our first official date! We are laughing! Talking! Getting along!  Drinking! 

"Want to dance?" he shouts over the music 

"I can't dance..." I say taking a big drink of the alcohol

 Noah grabs me. He pulls me close to him. "GET LOOSE!" He shouts 

I see everyone grinding on each other, twerking, making out, and more.


   Noah turn me around where my back is against his chest. He starts whispering what to do. He starts moving his hips against my butt. "That's all you have to do." he says whispering in my ear making shivers go down my neck 

I take my hands and hook them around his neck. Then I start moving against him. I was doing it. I can't believe I could dance like this. Noah leans his lips to my neck and starts to nibble on my neck. Then I bend down and started twerking on him. He grabbed my hips and kept me steady and started moving my hips side to side. He pushed himself on me and we where dancing together. 


When we arrive at the house Noah lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom. Noah pushes me against the wall and kisses me with passion. Noah pulls me by my arm guiding me to the bed and I turn around and push him on the bed. I get on top of him and rip his shirt. Noah grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss. I'm sitting in his lap. My hand through his hair and he is groaning my name. 


Authors Note~ I'm back! Yes this dreading cliff hanger. I'm sorry I just had too. So I'v been busy and have been going through a lot lately. So I had to take a break. I'm glad I'm back! I missed you all so much! I hope you like this part! The book will be ending very soon and I will be working on another one! When I say soon I mean this book is going to end very soon. 

If I get my regular voting number back. I will update tomorrow. Comment on how you want this to end. Please comment I love reading them an commenting back! 

The next part is most likely going to a mature content... so be mature about it and if you don't like stuff like that just skip over the next chapter I will be writing soon. 

If i get a whole lot of votes I will write another chapter up for you! 

Follow me on Instagram:  danaijsha_mcclain 

I am posting a song cover on there tomorrow and plus I would love to talk to you all!

Hope you like my lovely readers!!! 

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