Part 9

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      I make my way out the bathroom pulling down my shirt and wiping my lips off. I go back into the classroom and I hurry up and sit down. When I walk in Lucas and Noah are sitting by each other laughing and talking. When I walk past them Lucas looks me up and down smirking at me, but then there is Noah biting his lip, smirking, and he is winking at me when I go take my seat.  I sit in my seat and everytime I look over at Lucas, Lucas is not paying any attention to me,but Noah keeps staring at me and then when I look he looks down. Does he not think I have eyes? Does he think I am blind? What kind of game is he playing with me? I'm thinking of so many things I can't even concentrate, but right then and there the teacher called on me pulling me out of my train of thoughts. "Mia what is the answer to this problem?" he says cocking his head to the side 

"I'm sorry I don't know." I say looking down at my feet 

"Well maybe if you were paying attention and not in lala land you would know the answer." he says staring at me with his cold hearted eyes 

"Sorry." I say looking towards Lucas and Noah's way 

    Mr. Smith looked at me one last time and then he walked away talking to the whole class. At the corner of my eye I see Noah blow a fake kiss at me and I flipped him off. "Mia and Noah you have detention with me after school." Mr. Smith says angrily  

 Noah looks at me and smirks. I roll my eyes and I start paying attention to the rest of the class and next thing I know it the bell goes BRING! BRING! BRING! dismissing us to our next class.


       I walk into detention and I see Bridgette sitting on Noah's lap. Noah looks up at me and pushes Bridgette off his lap making her fall to the ground. "Ouch." she says angrily looking at me. "Hey Princess." he says smirking at me 

I don't even look up at him. I don't even talk to him when I go to my seat. "Princess don't be like that." he says lightly brushing my cheek

    I shrug his arm away from my face and I pull out my notebook and started to do my English homework. He lifts my face were I can meet his eyes "Hey. You are not seriously mad at me?" he says with a mixed emotion coming from him 

   I turn my head away from him and start writing again. Noah slams his hand on the desk making me jump and then he walks over to the desk he was sitting at the first time. 


      "What the hell are you doing stealing my boyfriend?" Bridgette says smacking her hand on the desk not letting me get up and leave this hell house. "ANSWER ME!" she says demanding me 

     I stand up from the desk and look straight into her eyes. "I'm not stealing your boyfriend." I say staying calm

Bridgette puts her finger in my face pointing at me calling me a "selfish bitch." 

"At least I don't open up my legs for every guy I see." I say smirking 

    Bridgette tries smacking me, but I shove her into the desk. 

"If you ever try doing that again. I will make your life a living hell." I say swiping her papers on the ground and walking out the classroom


     I walk into the house and I here a CRUNCH! at the bottom of my foot. I look down to see a beer can stuck on the bottom of my shoe. There is a trail of beer cans leading to the couch were my dad is passed out laying on the couch. There are also different types of Alcohol on the living room table. I sit my stuff down and start picking up my the beer cans. I went over by my dad and you can smell every kind of Alcohol he had drank coming off of him. I picked the half filled beer cans and different bottles of other Alcohol and started dumping it in the sink. I turn around "Omgosh dad you scared-" I say getting interrupted by my dad yelling at me "Why are you touching my shit?" he says with blazing red eyes looking at me and grabbing my wrist in his hands really tightly 

"Stop your hurting me." I squeal out 

    Then he took my hands and put them right behind my back and started moving closer to my lips. "HELP ME! MOM PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream out, but no answer 

   I turn my head and he kisses my cheek. I squirm and kick and scream,but he won't let me go. My mom walks into the house and I start screaming "MOM! MOM PLEASE HELP ME!" She just looks at me and starts going up stairs. I start crying "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" The door flies open and my dad turns around and there's Liam, Noah, and Lucas looking at me in my dad's grip. My dad presses his lips against mine. Lucas and Liam grabs my dad and pushes him off me and Noah lifts me up and takes me to the car. He tried to lay me down on the seat, but I just grabbed him tighter. I was shacking, crying, and had so many thoughts going through my head that I couldn't even think straight. Lucas and Liam comes out the house and gets into the car. "I'm so sorry Mia." he says with tears in his eyes. I lay down and he holds me very tightly and then Lucas starts the car and we pull off. The next thing I know everything went black.

Authors Note~ Yes this part is a little intense and sad, but there is going to be so many  amazing things that are going to happen in this book. I love how this book is going to turn out so far! I'm sorry about the language, but it makes it sound better I guess, but yeah I'm sorry. I hope you love this part of The Dare! Thank You! 

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