Part 18

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   Liam and Lucas are in a black SUV with Brian. Noah and I are in the the other black SUV. "Were are we going?" I say breaking the silence 

   Noah hates it when I ask him questions. He just looks at me and looks back at the road ignoring what I just asked him. "Were are we going?" I ask getting irrigated 

"Mia don't." he snaps 

"You drag me into this mess and the least you can do is tell me." I say snapping back at him

   We pull into this huge beautiful house that makes me can't even breath!

     Its was just Noah and I. The other guys weren't going to stay with us. I dropped the two bags I could carry into this massive bedroom I found. I dropped everything and laid on the soft comfortable bed. Noah comes in and does the same thing. Noah pulls the cover on both of us and pulls me closer to his chest and making me look into his eyes. "Your swollen lips." he says looking at my lips 

"I know." I say softly 

       I could smell his cologne burning my nose a little. Noah took off his shirt and I put it on. Revealing his tattoo's on his chest. I started playing with his hair and I realized that he has a tattoo in the middle of his chest. You could tell it was a fresh one because it looks different from the other ones.

~ I will forever love my Princess. I Promise.~

   I read the tattoo out loud making Noah smirk towards my way. Noah kissed my forehead and holding me tighter into his arms while I start to drifting off to sleep. 

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