Chapter 2(Part 1)

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I wonder who that could be?"

Getting up Bonnie(My German shepherd puppy) followed me as I opened the door and saw.....

Sapphire's POV:

I open the door and see my lovely Roseline!

"Hello my lovely Rose!" I yell hugging her.

"Hello my little chocolate drop! I love you when I say this but move that fat butt of yours so that I can come in and tell you the great news!"

I looked down at my body; I'm pretty toned. I stand at 5'8 and 130 pounds. My skin is the same color of a Hershey bar and my hair is black and wavy. I have some great assets(36c bra size and a firm butt). I have big brown eyes, high cheekbones and plump lips. Roseline is the same but she's a caramel color with hazel eyes and she's only 5'6.

"Hey! I'm not fat but you can come in" I said as she kicked off her heels and jumped on my couch making herself comfortable.

"Well come sit down I have the best news ever..."

Roseline's POV(Before the call):

Here I am ready to book the flight for me and sapphire using this promotion code we got in the mail until I saw that the promotion is over. Oh well how much can the tickets cost? Because they can't cost that much. WRONG! Without that code the tickets are $600 per person and a $300 early bird fee. Who the hell do they think I am? Beyoncé.

Ugh now I have to call Sapphire the bad news and she needed this trip. Gosh Darn it. Anyway I pull out my iPhone and call her. please don't answer, I keep chanting until she answered. Aw Fuck.
Hello my little chocolate drop!" I  yelled in her ear.

"Why are you talking so loud!?!" She yelled. "Anyway what's up? Did you book the plane flight? When do we leave? Because I need to know how much time I have to pack." You see we're trying to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras a week and a half before we start back to school.

"Well you only going to pack pants and tennis shoes, sooooo you don't even need that much time" I  laughed. "Well see what had happened was......theplaneflightcostsmorethanwethought" I said

"What did you just say? I can't understand what you saying!"

"Ugh I said the plane flight costs more than we thought it would be. See the promotion we looked at where the plane flight was only a 600 dollars a person plus a 300 dollar early fee, well that was for if you were 21 and older, and it ended yesterday"

"Are you serious? This is just perfect. Now we have nothing to do but stay here and you know I needed this trip to get away from Derek and what happened" She said sadly

"I know but I'm so sorry love but I have to go but I'll be over later Ok?"

"Ok" I heard the sadness in her voice.

I am the worst best friend in the world! While I'm scolding myself this ad pops up and I'm about to delete until I read what it said: Come have fun on a five day train ride to New Orleans for Mardi Gras for only $200 for two people. Eat, Drink and Party until you drop or until you get to the main party! Sign up here.

OMG this is perfect! I have to sign up for me and sapphire. Well I did and paid. Then I printed the tickets and hurried and threw them in my purse and got dressed so that I could give the good news to Sapphire. I drove as fast as I could(in new York traffic that's not fast at all). Once I finally got to her apartment complex, I stopped at the elevator waiting because this freaking building as 40 floors! Anyway when the elevator finally came I pushed floor 22 and waited. I was thinking about why it was taking so long until these three cuties came in but alas I couldn't flirt. But as I got off I winked and blew a kiss towards them before the doors closed. Now where is apartment 8 again? "Here it is!" my subconscious said to me. WTF? Anyway here I am ringing the bell and she's taking forever to answer the door. Anyway when she finally open the door with bonnie right behind her she shouts:

"Hello my lovely Rose!" She yelled hugging me

"Hello my little chocolate drop! I love you when I say this but move that fat butt of yours so that I can come in and tell you the great news!" Then she looked down at herself to find any fat. I hate when she does that she's so beautiful but she lost all her confidence after what that douche did to her. I should rip his freaking head off. "Yeah we should!" my subconscious yells. Again WTF?

"Hey! I'm not fat but you can come in" she said as I kicked off her heels and jumped on her couch making myself comfortable.

"Well come sit down I have the best news ever! We're going to New Orleans!"

"What? How? Are you serious?" She screamed

"Ok so listen after I got off the phone with you this ad popped up and it said "Come have fun on a five day train ride to New Orleans for Mardi Gras for only $200 for two people. Eat, Drink and Party until you drop or until you get to the main party! Sign up here." So I signed us up and we leave in three days and here's your ticket." I said handing her the ticket.

"NO. I hate trains they take to long!"

"It's not that long..."

"Really because this ticket says five days! I really don't want  to be on a train that long." she said angry.

"Come on Sapphire! We're doing this trip for two reasons: to party at Mardi Gras and to get you over this hump so excuse me for caring for you and wasting my money! I'll go by myself then."

"No wait" she said as she grabbed my hand "I'm just scared."

I hugged her. " Its going to be all right I'm going to be their the whole step of the way with you. But think of it like this hot guys, free liquor and a excuse to do something that you will regret in the morning." I joked. She's on the floor dying of laughter.

"Well after that statement I guess we're going to New Orleans!"

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