He's my Savior, and I'm his Lover Part 4

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  • Dedicated to Daniel A.

Sorry its really short!!

Chapter 4

Joey came in a red mustang. He had shades over his eyes, so I couldn't tell where he was looking. His plaid shirt looked incredible on him! I felt like I was drooling. Uh-oh, not a good thing.

I put my stuff into the backseat of his car, and sat down next to him. The sun was starting to lower itself in the distance. The clouds had turned purple.

"Where do you want me to take you?" he asked me, keeping his eyes on the road.

"To your house," I replied. He looked over at me, and put his shades up with one hand while keeping his other hand on the wheel. He raised an eyebrow, I smiled, and then he continued off.

We talked a little bit. I told him about my life, and he told me how he had so much money and that he worked as the president of a large business company. I didn't really expect that, since he was only twenty-four. But he told me how the company was his family's, and since his father passed away, he got all the responsibility.

We arrived at his house in thirty minutes. There was a lot of traffic, but I liked it. Again, It seemed to amaze me how his home could be so big, with only him living in it.

We came inside, and I dropped my bag onto the great hall inside. He led me to the kitchen, where I sat on a stool while he gave me a glass of water. I drank it in a record of five seconds, then I asked him.

"Can I live here?" I said to him.

The words seemed to surprise him a little, since he jumped back at hearing them.

"But you have a family. Won't they care?" he asked me. I look straight into his deep blue eyes and told him everything, of how they didn't care about me and wanted to me to leave them. So of course they'd be happy if I was gone.

Joey was quiet for a few minutes while he thought this through. He seemed as if he was debating everything in his mind before making a certain decision. I was hoping he would say yes, or else I wouldn't have any other place to go to.

After what seemed like hours to me, he finally spoke. Yes, yes, yes, I kept on telling myself.

"Alright. You can stay." he told me.

I jumped up from the stool and jumped at him, wrapping my legs around his waist as I gave him a huge hug. I wouldn't stop hugging him, and we just stood there. I pulled back, but my legs still hung around his waist and my arms still wrapped around his neck. We stared into each others eyes for a few moments. I could feel him pulling me in. In a few seconds, our faces were centimeters apart from one another. I saw him looking at my lips, then he leaned in even more.

Just as they were about to meet, a woman spoke.

"Sir, there is an important phone call for you from the office." He unwrapped my legs and set me back down the marble floor. He cleared his throat, and went towards the maid, then grabbed the phone from her. He walked into a different room as I could hear him talking about the company's finances.

He never once even looked at me after that moment. I stood in the kitchen, staring blankly at the ground.

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