He's my Savior, and I'm his Lover Part 10

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  • Dedicated to Daniel A.

Chapter 10!! Its finally here. Sorry guys, but I had writer's block for a while, and couldn't bring myself to write. But i finally did it :) Enjoy


The next morning, the smell of freshly made pancakes tickled my nose as I walked to the kitchen. I had just gotten done with my shower, so my hair was still wet, and dripping down my back.

Surprisingly, Sam was making them. He flipped the last one, and settled it onto a plate. I watched him as he poured syrup all over them. I could hear my stomach growling, and I think he did too. Sam spun around, surprised.

"Good morning!" He said with a bright smile on his face.

"Mornin'," I said quietly. I sat down on a bar stool, and he put a plate of them in front of me. "Thanks."

"No problem," he said, grabbing his plate and sitting down next to me.

I took a few bites. They tasted really good. "So where's Joey. I haven't seen him yet," I told Sam.

"He left for work an hour ago. He said he wanted to get in early so he could get home quickly. Hmmm, I wonder why," he said, stealing a glance at me. I blushed and hid my face. He laughed and stuffed some more pancakes into his mouth.

We continued talking for a little while, then I remembered. "You haven't told me how you two met," I told him. "I'd love to hear it," I said with a smile, turning to face him.

"Well, we went to high school together. Back then, he used to get picked on, so I stood up for him, and that's how we first met."

"No way!" I yelled at him. "Joey? Getting picked on?" Astonishment didn't try to hide on my face.

"Yeah, I cant believe it either, but its true. I've always been with him, from the lazy days in the summer to the love fights he had with his girlfriend."

"Wait, girlfriend?" I asked him. I expected Joey to have a girlfriend, I mean, he was good looking and smart, but hearing it made my heart ache.

"Yeah, girlfriend. He only ever had one in high school. Stephanie White. I'm pretty sure she was his first love." At hearing that, sadness took over me. He seemed to notice. "Oh, no! Don't worry. That was a while ago. He hasn't thought about her since senior year."

"Why? Did something happen?" I wondered.

"Oh, um, well, he kinda caught her cheating on him with a football player. He immediately broke up with her though, but he was sad about it through our whole junior year. But time took its toll, and he forgot about her."

"I see," I whispered.

"Listen, Jasmine," he told me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He really cares about you. I can see it. He doesn't even think about her. You're the only one in his eyes now. Remember that, alright?"

"Mhmm," I told him. He hugged me, a comforting one. Then I got up.

"I'm going to go to the pool."

"Alright." He got up, and put the dishes in the sink.

As I walked to my bedroom, I thought about Sam's words. The way he said them, I really believed him. That was a while ago, and Joey has never even looked at another girl or anything like that since I've been near him. He's always been there for me.

And that's when I knew it. I cared about him. I really did. His past was his past, but this was now. I was now. And one thing I certainly knew, was that whatever lay ahead in his future, I wanted to be there too. I wanted it to be our future.

I changed into a red bathing suit and went to the pool. Jumping in, I swam around.

I wanted Joey. I wanted to be with him.


After the pool, I had went around the house, discovering new things here and there. I played around with the cat, then went to watch some TV. I heard the doorbell ring, and then Sam yelling "Got it."

I sat down again and continued watching the Titanic, which was playing on TV. It was at the scene where the ship collided with the ice. I awaited the tears which would begin running down my face any moment now when it began to sink. This movie always made me cry.

"Where is she?!? I know she's here!" I heard yelling in the distance. I got up to see what all the commotion is about. I wish I hadn't. There stood the one of the people I tried so hard to escape. My father.

"Jasmine! I knew you were here. Come with me now, I'm taking you home," my father told me. He was putting on an act, making it seem as if he truly cared about me. Yeah, right.

"No. Leave me alone. I don't want you anywhere near me!" I screamed at him. Sam tried to shut the door, but my father pushed it aside, casting Sam to the ground. "Sam!" I yelled at him. "Are you alright?" I asked him, kneeling beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I helped him to a chair, then turned to my father.

"Leave me alone! I told you already, I want nothing to do with you!" I screamed at him, the loudest I could go.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. I thought I had told you already!" He stepped inside, and slapped me across the face. I felt a sharp jolt of pain running through me.

"Jasmine!" Sam yelled.

I put my hand to my face. "I'm fine," I told him.

"Come home, now!" My father approached my again, and grabbed my arm, trying to yank me out. Sam got up and tried to pull me back, not succeeding. My father led me to the door, and there stood the one person who could help me right now.

"Joey," I whispered.

Mk, well I hope you liked it. The next chapter will be the last one for this story. =)


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