He's my Savior, and I'm his Lover Part 6

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  • Dedicated to Daniel A.

Sorry it's not much, but hey, its something, right?

I had a little trouble deciding what to write for you guys and how I should move the story along, but i came up with something. Trouble, heartbreak, and decisions will be made in the next couple of chapters.


Chapter 6

We arrived at the movies and stood in line for the tickets. It was a huge line, so Joey and I had a thumb war, which is really stupid, but we were bored. When we finally got to the lady, he got two tickets and we made our way to the snack bar. We each got soda, and a jumbo sized popcorn to share between us both. I also got a Hershey bar, because I do love those. The movie was about to start, so we headed inside and picked seats in the last row in a little cut off area.

"Excited?" he asked. He took a handful of popcorn and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Yeah, I haven't been to the movies in a while." I told him.

"And why's that?" He asked.

I shifted in my seat a little and thought of telling him of how my parents banned me from going anywhere non-educational or a place where I could be with my friends, like I had any.

It seemed like he got the message when he told me to forget it.

The lights dimmed, and the movie began. We rushed through the popcorn and it was done by the time the scariest part of the movie came. I had to shut my eyes every few seconds. At one scene, I even accidentally threw the popcorn basket into the air and screamed. Then I quickly put my hands over my mouth and hoped no one noticed. Everyone in the movie theater was looking at me.

"Sorry," I sad, making a pouting face at everyone.

Joey chuckled in his seat next to me.

"What's so funny mister?" I asked him. I folded my arms across my chest for emphasis. I crunched my eyebrows at him.

He continued to choke his words out as he continued laughing. "I just didn't expect for you to be scared like that. I mean, it IS just a horror movie. I thought you liked those."

"Only some of them for your information, like the Saw movies for example. Now those are wicked!" I began smiling at him uncontrollably as I thought of my favorite movie.

"You're not scared of the Saw movies, and your freaked out from this. What's wrong with you?" He shook his head, and attempted to get his dark chestnut hair out of the way, and when he did, even in the dark, his blue eyes mesmerized me. "Are you drooling?" He asked me. That immediately awakened me, making my look away and to his perfect lips.

"No," I said quickly. I looked back at the screen, and whispered, "Crazy."

He chuckled a little more.

The movie continued to creep me out. We got to the scariest part of all, and I did the stupidest thing I could imagine. I screamed, jumped out of my seat, and right into Joey's lap.

"What the hell Jasmine?!?" He said, in a strong but whispering voice.

"I-" I looked back into his amazing blue eyes and was held in, once again. I felt as if he was looking into my deep dark past.

He began to get closer to my face, and I to his. I looked down at his perfect pink lips, and they turned into a half-smile. We were only an inch away. I looked back into his eyes, and even though I wished it hadn't, my mind remembered everything.

I immediately put my hands to his chest, and pushed myself back, onto the theater floor again. I looked down at him, at his confused expression.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I ran out of the theater just in time for tears to start pouring down my face. I could hear him following me, screaming my name. I shut him out, and ran, ran as far as my legs could carry me.

I hope you liked it, thanks for reading!!


Appreciate it!


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