He's my Savior, and I'm his Lover Part 11 FINAL

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  • Dedicated to Daniel A.

LAST CHAPTER!! woot-woot :)

"Joey," I whispered again. "Your here." A smile slowly spread across my face, but it disappeared just as quickly when my father squeezed my hand, making it turn red.

"Let her go," Joey said to my father.

He actually did let go of me, but just then, he took his fist and punched Joey in the stomach, sending him backwards.

"Joey!" I screamed. I rushed forward towards him, landing next to him on my knees, not caring if the gravel scratched them. I held his head in my hands. "Oh, Joey." Unknowingly, a tear escaped my eye.

He reached up to wipe it away. Then I felt a tug on my hair. From the corner of my eye, I could see my father pulling on my hair, trying to pull me up.

"Ow!" I screamed. I fell back, and he slapped me again. I let the tears fall this time.

I was ready to give up. Ready to give up the dream I had of being with Joey, and with Sam. Ready to give up the dream I had of being far, far away from them. From my awful parents. Ready to say goodbye to them. I lay there, defenseless.

"Get up here, you awful child," he said as he pulled on my arm.

He yanked me up with one pull and I struggled to stay back, to run away from him. But his grip was too tight. He lead me across the courtyard to where I could easily see the car parked, with my mother in the passenger seat. For some reason, it looked like she was happy.

"Mom?" I said.

"Yes, your mother's here too. She's waiting. Now, come on!" He pulled on me as we were almost to the car.

Out of no where, Joey came and hit my father again with a punch in the face. But my father easily struck him back in the stomach. Again, Joey fell.

"Joey!" I screamed. My dad had gotten his hands on my wrists, dragging me to the car. "Let me go!" I screamed at him. "Let me go!"

He raised his hand to strike me. "You little-"

"Stop right there Mr. Singer. Drop your hand, and keep them both behind your head. Get on the ground." A police officer's voice echoed through the emptiness.

My father immediately dropped his hand from her very stern voice, turning around to face the woman who probably just saved my life. His deathly gaze set on her, but she returned it. He got on the ground unwillingly.

She came over to me first and helped me up, then Joey. I ran over to Joey and held his hands, shaking heavily.

"It's okay, Jasmine. It's finally over. He's gone. They're gone." And I believed him when I saw the police officer handcuff my dad and take him to the police cruiser. The same thing then happened to my mom.

The last time I saw them was when they both looked at me hatefully, but it seemed like there was a feeling of regret in there too. I ignored it. It was probably what I hoped to see in their faces, but I knew never would.

I let go of Joey's hand for a moment and ran over to the police officer, pain stinging my body each time I moved.

"Thank you," I whispered to her. "Thank you so much." Tears started spilling from my eyes as I realized I would never have to be with them again.

"You're welcome, sweetie." The woman police officer pulled me in for a hug.

I pulled away and waved at her as she drove away to put the two people who caused me the most pain in my life behind bars.

I turned around and saw Sam standing next to Joey. The grin on Sam's face told me that he was the one who called the cops.

I skipped over to them and gave them both a hug, squeezing as tight as I could.

"Ow, Jasmine, that hurts." Sam said.

"Oops," I said, letting out a little laugh.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Then the sun began to set, and Sam hurried inside, remembering he had to do something.

I began to follow him, but a hand grabbed my arm. "Jasmine, wait."

I turned around to see Joey standing there, holding onto me. Immediately, my face began to heat up a little, so I averted my gaze to the apple tree in the distance.

"Yeah?" I asked him, looking away from his eyes.

"Um, I wanted to tell you something." He told me. I looked back at him, and jumped a little when I noticed his eyes were piercing into me.


"I love you."

My face went to a deep red as I stared into his eyes, trying to look away, but they held me there.

"What?" I thought this was only one-sided.

"I love you Jasmine Singer." He squeezed my hand a little, a smile on his face.

There was silence between us for a few moments.

"I love you too." I let it out. I couldn't believe it. I finally let it out.

"Really?" Joey immediately hugged me, squeezing me until I could barely breathe.

"Joey!" I yelled. I laughed and he let go, his face red.

"Sorry, I'm just, happy I guess," he said. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but return it with one of my own.

"More like beaming with excitement." I looked at him, and our eyes locked. He gradually pulled me in to where our faces were only inches apart.

"I love you," he whispered again as he brought his lips to mine, kissing them with a passion I had never seen on him before.

"I love you too." He pulled me into a hug, and we stayed like that, that is, until Sam decided to show up.

"Ew!" He yelled, pointing fingers at us. "You're kissing."

"Oh, be quiet, silly." Joey said as he punched him in the shoulder lightly.

I got in between Joey and Sam as we all walked back to the house, hand in hand. I was terrified of my past, but now I was eager for my happiness in the future with Joey. Oh, and Sam, of course.

Dear Reader,

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for closing this story so quickly, but to tell you the truth, my heart was never fully in it. I just wanetd to say THANK YOU for staying with me in this, and I hope you enjoyed it. It wasn't a very well thought out kind of story, but I think in the future I'll come back, and probably rewrite the whole thing. Thanks for all of your patience and just, well, reading it.

Love, Kat :)

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