Heartbreak is...

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Heartbreak is... 

What is a heartbreak.

It is everything breaking within you, slowly or quickly. Loudly or calmly. Mental break. Physical break. Psychological break.

Whatever you want to call it - it's just pure Pain.

No matter what reasons lay behind your ache in your relationship, you must realize something essential:

Heart Break does NOT mean your love is finished. 

It does not mean the end of the world.

It does not mean he/she doesn't love you anymore.

Your heart will be broken many times in your life; you have to accept that reality. It doesn't matter whose fault it is when it means you're in pain. It certainly won't solve anything to blame the other instead of fixing it.

You just need to know how to treat your significant other when you're enduring this and trying to solve the issue.

It's hard. Yes. Especially when the problem was between you two.

You start feeling distant because he/she is not your refuge anymore.

You want to pull back and protect yourself. Hide your feelings and cry alone until you sleep.

You don't feel capable of showing your vulnerable emotions anymore.

Despite that, you must know that being distant doesn't solve anything. In fact, it only makes things worse.

At the least, let them know about the problem. Tell them you're hurt. Discuss things together.

Tell them you love them.

Tell them you love them.

Tell them you love them again and again.

And that this is why your heart aches so much.

Because you care too much. Because you love them.

And most people forget this. You need to remind them.

Because when you fight and become distant, you become insecure, doubtful. You forget about love and focus on the issue and the pain.

A relationship that's worth it will always hurt so bad because the fear of losing them is more hurtful than the pain of just an argument. And that's why it breaks you.

Your trust, your time, your feelings, your efforts, your everything was put to be together - and it became fragile and possibly threatened.

Smile again. Tell them you love them.

If they truly love you they will do the same.

Together, you will face everything that troubles you.

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