Chapter 17

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I entered the living room, seeing Janice, Tyler, Adam, and Abraham. They were all occupied with their mobil devices.

"Oh, hey." Adam said. "Haven't seen you." He stretched his hands over his head and yawned.

"Yup. How come you guys are all here?" I asked, referring to why they weren't fixing the guest room

"Dad told us to take a break." Adam shrugged. I nodded. Abraham didn't even take me into consideration when I passed by him to give Janice a hug.

"Hey." I smiled at her. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. I prefer being here than at home with him." She directed towards Abraham. He didn't flinch. I slowly laughed.

"You're welcome anytime." I pat her head.

"So what are you gonna do right now?" She stood up and followed me to the kitchen. I took a seat on a stool.

"I'm just gonna chill for a bit. But I'm going to the mall later with a friend." I took out my phone and began scrolling through instagram.

"Really?!" Excitement radiated off her.

"Yup." I put my phone away and stood. Janice watched my every move.

"That's cool." She placed her palm under her chin, a sad expression taking over her face.

"Um. Look, I know you'd love to come, but it's honestly gonna be just a friend and I. How about we make a deal." I started. Her eyes widened as her head popped up.

"Yes!" She stated, almost desperate.

"I'll go to the mall today but tomorrow right after school, I'll take you wherever you want. Deal?" I looked up at her and she was grinning. It was scary in a way.

"Thank you!" She ran off the stool and plunged at me with a hug.

"No problem." I laughed. "But, can you please let me go? I have to go get ready." She unwrapped me from her tight embrace almost too quickly.

"Of course." She laughed sheepishly.

"Thanks." I pat her head and walked out of the kitchen and through the living room.


I looked myself in the mirror. I wasn't surprised. The same me.

"Diana!" Adam knocked on my door.

"Hold up." I got my ironed black and white flannel and put it over the black t-shirt I wore beneath. I opened the door and found a grinning Adam.

"I see." He said, a smirk playing along his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, not understanding him. "Erick."

My eyes widened in realization. Is he already here?

"He's here." Adam stated, answering my question. I nodded. "You guys going out?" He smirked.

"More like friends." I rolled my eyes and he grinned harder.

"Sure." He laughed. "Where are you guys going?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"To the mall." I grabbed my bag and turned towards him. "By the way, what happened to Rebecca?" Getting my charger and placing it inside my bag, I heard him speak.

"We're officially together!" He ran towards me and lifted me high up in the air.

"Put me down." I pounded on him as a smile made its way to my lips. He's such a dork.

He put me down with a smile spread across his face. I've never seen him so happy.

"Congrats though!" I gave him a hug and he squeezed the air out of me.

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