Part 1

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We all piled out of Gregory's office after a, less than friendly, conversation, leaving us at a loss for words.

"Walking ballsack." Rosita swore under her breath.

"I'll knock the idiots teeth out." Sasha added.

I scoffed, "Please promise me you'll let me get the first swing in."

"We don't need him anyway." Daryl said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, you're right," Rick added, "Because we have Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, and Jesus here-"

"And Enid." Maggie cut him off as Enid came inside, out of breath.

"Hey um-" she began.

"What's wrong?" Sasha asked.

"Nothing, just-" she shook her head, "Come outside."

We all curiously followed her as she lead us outside to where a group of Hilltoppers stood, waiting for us.

"What's going on?" Maggie asked.

"Hey," one woman began, "So, if you don't remember, I'm Birdie. I know I owe my life to you all-- twice over, a bunch of us do." She continued, "Enid says that you want Gregory to get us to fight the Saviors with you? Is that true?"

"Yes." Maggie answered simply as she looked around at the group.

"Do you think we could win?" Birdie asked, "That we could really beat them-- us?"

Maggie nodded, "I do."

The small group in front of us looked around at each other before Birdie spoke up again, "Enid says you could show us the way.. I'm ready."

"Me too." Another Hilltopper said before they all collectively agreed.

Maggie smiled, "Thank you-- all of you, really. Once we figure out the best way to go about this, we'll let you know."

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing we had more people on our side, before we followed behind Rick down to the gate, the beginnings of a plan in mind.

"It's a start." Michonne said.

"We'll get more." Sasha added.

"We're gonna need it if we want a fighting chance against the Saviors." I admitted, knowing the amount of people they have.

"Well, if we find the right stuff, maybe we won't need the numbers." Daryl suggested, "Blow 'em up, burn 'em to the ground."

"You said there weren't just soldiers with the Saviors, that there were workers-- people that just didn't have a choice?" Tara asked, concern laced throughout her voice.

Daryl shrugged, determined, "We gotta win."

"We need more hands-- another group, Negan has outposts; the geography, the distance works against us." Rick reminded, "We gotta get back; if they come looking for Daryl and Liz, we need to be there."

"You don't have to get back; not yet." Jesus stopped us before holding up a familiar looking walkie talkie, "It's one of theirs-- long range, we can listen in and keep track of them."

"So if we're not going back, what're we doing then?" Michonne asked as we all waiting for an answer.

"I think it's time we introduced you to Ezekiel," Jesus smiled, "King Ezekiel."

"King?" Rick repeated, quickly getting across what we were all thinking.


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