Part 28

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"When?" I ask quietly, needing to know how long I had to figure out some sort of plan to put an end to all of this once and for all, even if I had to do it all on my own.

"That's what we're working on now, so tell me hun," Negan leaned forward, placing his hand on my thigh, "Was that shit storm supposed to be the end, or do you all have another few tricks up your sleeve that I should know about?"

I shook my head lightly, my lips parting as words seemed to escape me, my mind unable to come up with any believable lies as my eyes stayed stuck on his, "I- I don't know.." I breathlessly let out, "I don't- I was going to leave after it-- when everything was done, so I didn't pay much attention."

His expression turned softer as a more genuine look played through his eyes, "Why were you going to leave?"

"I don't have anything anymore," I admitted quietly; a small part to a large story, "And when you're alone you don't have to care about anyone."

He let out a small laugh, leaning back in the metal chair as his curiosity continued to overtake him, "So what really was this whole master plan that you all concocted up in your heads then?" He probed, shifting his tone away from the softness he momentarily held, "Kill me, kill my people, and then what? Were you just going to run off into the woods and play house with the next piece of shit you find out there?"

I swallowed harshly, looking up at him again as his words tore open old wounds that originated at the fault of him, knowing that if he never came along, Daryl and I would've been together until the end.. at least, that's what I like to think.
A smirk grew on his face as he could tell he was getting under my skin, what he does best, but now it was my turn to join in on his sick game.

"There was a point when I believed everything you said.." I confessed, not far from the truth, "I started to believe in what you said the Sanctuary was and what you had to do to keep it running." I continued, pausing for a moment as my eyes fell, my teeth running along the inside of my bottom lip, "There was a time when I believed in you.. for a minute I thought you weren't just the guy who killed so many of the people I cared about."

His face stayed neutral through my words, "And I thought you were sick of seeing people die, but that's didn't stop you and your shit group from constantly trying to mow down every single man I've got." He spoke lowly before standing, tightly gripping my left arm as he yanked me up, "You see, darling," he began, ushering me along to the door as he grabbed Lucille on the way, "People change," he continued, leaning down to my level as his scruff brushed against my ear, "And people lie."

I shrugged away as a chill ran through my body, causing him to chuckle before opening the door into the hall.
I knew this couldn't be it-- I knew I couldn't be done here.. I had to find a way to fix everything.

I pulled away from him, my own jerking motion causing another, at this point very familiar, sharp pain to radiate from my wound, "I-" I struggled to speak through the aching.

"Darling-" He began, annoyance in his tone before I cut him off.

"I'll talk to Rick-- I will." I breathlessly nodded, "Please just- just let me try to bring an end to all of this."

He slowly closed the door, leaning against it, "I know I just gave you that option a couple minutes ago, but you have just given me a shit ton of utter bullshit to sort through and think about."

I let out an exhausted sigh, tears beginning to burn at my waterline as he continued to stay ten steps ahead, only letting me think for a moment I was catching up before he would pull the rug out from under me again.

"I just want you to answer this one question for me," he spoke lowly, sauntering over to where I stood, "How did your friend Sasha know what room you and I had been staying in together?" He questioned, causing my heart to stop, "And how the hell did she have a set of keys?"

I glanced up at him before back down to the floor beneath us, the small distance between us being daunting as he stood over me.

"And I don't want some bullshit answer like you gave to Simon about what happened with Fat Joey." He continued, earning another shocked glance from me as he smiled, "Yeah, I know about that too."

I shook my head lightly, "I killed him-"

"See!" He stopped me, a smile still gracing his face as Lucille rested on his shoulder, "And now I know for a fact that you have no problem lying to me, Elizabeth." He continued, stepping in front of me as he searched for my stare that soon reluctantly met his, "You trying to play off that you have balls big enough to bash Fat Joseph's brain into the hot Virginia concrete with a metal pipe is not a smart move on your part, and quite frankly, it makes me wonder why you're trying so hard to cover Daryl's ass after you told me, point blank, that there's nothing between you two anymore."

I let out a sigh, quiet tears falling down my cheeks, "I killed him because I didn't stop Daryl." I breathed, the guilt of Joey's death continuing to weigh on me, "I could've stopped him.. and I didn't, and now I live with that."

"Wow.." Negan breathed out, "That has got to be the saddest thing I've every heard come outta your mouth, darling." He continued, lowering Lucille to his side, "But that still doesn't answer my questions."

"I told you.. I wanted all of this to be over," I shrugged, "I gave Sasha the keys I stole off of Joey and told her where you'd be-- or, where I thought you'd be."

"Well, lucky for both of us," he smiled again, leaning in, "You were wrong."

I gave him a confused look as I glanced around the room we were in once more.

"If you'd given it a few more weeks-- maybe not have been such a pain in my ass, you could've given good ol' Sasha the right room to go to and, just maybe, your friend would still be alive." He said lowly before chuckling, "But I couldn't bring you up here yet," he shook his head, "Too many sharp things for you to get your hands on."

"I wouldn't have hurt you," I said honestly, shaking my head, "Not after the first time."

"And why's that?" He questioned.

"Because I believed in you."

I've been holding off on finishing this part because in order to write more, I need the 8A episodes and I don't know where to find them tbh
They're not on the amc app and they aren't on Netflix so???

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