Part 25

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I pushed myself up, my ears beginning to ring as I stumbled back behind the car I was previously hidden by.
I reached my hand up to my right shoulder, the throbbing pain feeling like it was getting worse each time my speeding heart beat, sending guttural noises through my vocal cords as blood began to drench my side.

I swallowed harshly, pushing myself up against the car as I picked back up my rifle; determined to finish what we all started.
My vision blurred as I aimed at a Savior in the distance before pulling the trigger, the kickback sending piercing screams from my lungs as my knees buckled under me. Pain engulfed every inch of my body as I grabbed for the wound, desperate to make it stop as more blood covered my hand, causing my level of panic to increase.

"You taste that, Simon?" Negan's familiar voice called out through the gunfire as my head tiredly picked up, "That is the taste of shit!"

I strained my eyes, trying to focus on the bodies moving from barricade to barricade before my left hand grabbed for the handgun in my waistband. I pushed myself up, the earth feeling like it was moving beneath me with each step I took closer to where Negan and his men were taking cover; letting shot after shot out in hopes that luck would finally be on my side, but I could feel my thoughts beginning to escape me.

"Goddammit! She's hit!" I heard Negan yell as my clip emptied, my vision going black.


"Who the hell did it-- who shot her?" A familiar voice yelled as consciousness continued to evade me, a steady, deafening ring seeming to lull me back into darkness, "Shit, shit, shit! Drive goddammit!"


My throat felt dry as I desperately tried to swallow; my body aching with each breath I took as my eyes tiredly opened.

"Good, you're awake." A voice said as a figure came up beside me, my blurry eyes unable to immediately make him out as my arms pulled on the restraints, "Hey, hey, hey-- don't worry, you're safe-"

"What happened?" My raspy voice asked as the man, who I now realized was Dr. Carson from the Hilltop, shined a small light into my eyes causing my head to pound.

"You lost a lot of blood from that shot, it's a miracle you even woke up-- for both of us." He explained, stepping back, "The shot was through and through, which is good for the most part, but also leaves two wounds-"

"No- no," I stopped him, shaking my head as I felt emotion well up at the back of my throat, "What happened at Alexandria?" I asked, looking over to him, "Who- who didn't make it?"

He gave me a pitiful look before his eyes returned down to the pill bottle in his hand, "I don't get told much about what happens outside of this place." He admitted, "I'm sorry."

I nodded lightly, my eyes stuck on the ceiling above us, "That's ok." I breathed, only hoping that I wouldn't have to mourn another life.

"Any update?" A static filled voice asked from the walkie talkie on the shelf as Dr. Carson neared it.

I closed my eyes as my entire right side continued to throb-- each painful ache reminding me of how different everything was supposed to happen.

"She just woke but is still a bit groggy," Dr. Carson answered, "She may need some more time just to come to fully-- I can keep her here for the time being."

"Yeah.. that's not going to work." The voice responded, "Negan wants her locked up tight A S A P-- no exceptions."

Dr. Carson turned to me, "She's already restrained to the bed-- what more could he want?"

"Listen, let me catch you up to speed on this bitch since your new here." The voice said lowly, "Not only has she attempted to escape multiple times, she has succeeded, and even with all the shit she's pulled, Negan still won't display her brains on the concrete out front." He continued, tears threatening to brim my waterline as reminders of the past invaded my thoughts, "So we're all going to suck it up and do what the boss says, unless of course, you want to go against him yourself?"

"No- no, I- I'm sorry." Dr. Carson quickly answered, shaking his head.

"Good to hear, I'll send a few men down to get her."


I swallowed the few pills Dr. Carson had given me as he held a bottle of water in front of my mouth, helping me drink while my wrists stayed zip tied to the bedrails.

"If I would've known they wanted to take you immediately, I wouldn't have told them you were awake yet." He quietly admitted, screwing the top back onto the bottle.

I laid my head back down, shaking it slightly, "It wouldn't have made a difference.. I knew what I was getting myself into-- we all did."

He nodded slightly as he turned away, a knock coming from the metal door as it was immediately opened.

"Knock knock," Simon mimicked, one of Negan's men who I was never very familiar with, but saw glimpses of every now and again when I was here, "Just a heads up Doc, probably best we maintain an open door policy with this one," he tapped on the door, stepping into the room as multiple Saviors followed, "She's taken out one of our own before-- with help, of course."

"She hasn't caused me any problems." Dr. Carson shrugged, placing the antibiotics and painkillers back into a cupboard.

"Yeah," Simon nodded, a sick smile on his face as two of the Saviors cut the zip ties off my wrists, before he glanced over to me, "Tell me, was it you or the other one who just absolutely obliterated Fat Joeys skull on the way out?"

I swallowed harshly as our eyes locked, the pain in my heart almost outweighing the dull ache that numbed my body, "Me." I choked out as Simon took a step closer.

"What?" He taunted, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you-"

"Me-- it was me, I killed him." I repeated, the lie almost feeling more honest than the situations truth.

"Interesting.." he nodded, the same smile stuck on his face, "Well, no matter-- what's done is done, right?" He shrugged, gesturing to the men as they grabbed my arms, pulling me to my feet, "All that matters now is getting you where the big boss man wants you."

What do you think is in store for Liz?

And what are your thoughts? I had this particular situation in mind before I even started the fanfic and am so happy I've finally been able to release it.

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