Part 20

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I let out a yawn as I left the familiarity of the house I was so graciously gifted, my eyes feeling grainy from lack of rest but my determination to end the Saviors outweighed all possible downfalls.

My main goal today was to lay low until Negan and the Saviors showed up; if we were lucky, everything would go as planned-- Negan would be gone and we could go through with Dwight's plan and then, when all is said and done, I could slip out-- start something new and know that the people I care about most are safe. But if our luck runs out-- if we screw up on one thing.. I'm going to do whatever I have to to make a deal with the Devil; it worked once.. all I can hope for is that it'll work again.
Either way, I needed to talk to Rick and figure out what he can tell Daryl when I'm gone, that is, if both of us make it out of this.


I furrowed my eyes at the unfamiliar faces that flooded through the gate of Alexandria, figuring that these were the other fighters that Rick mentioned-- the ones we brought back the guns for.

"Rick?" I called, causing him to turn around from his conversation with the strangers.

"Liz-- yeah," he nodded, seeming a bit out of it as he gestured me towards a woman, "This is Jadis."

She looked over at me, her eyes scanning my body, "Pretty," she spoke, looking back to Rick, "Not one I want."

I furrowed my brows in confusion before impatiently grabbing Rick's arm, "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah.." he nodded, as thrown off as I was before following me away from the crowd, "I wanted to talk to you too-- what happened last night was-"

"I shouldn't have done it, I know that now and I knew it before it even happened." I stopped him as I turned around, "But-"

"I trust you." He cut me off, pulling my knife out from his belt as he handed it to me, "That day you were stranded on the roof of that car, I brought you back here because I knew you were a good person, and over time you proved that to me-- you grew as a person and as a fighter here." He continued, "You belong in Alexandria, Liz."

I twisted the knife in my hand as I bit down harshly on my bottom lip, my words escaping me as his only dug into a place I had tried so hard to bury deep.

"I know why you did it-- Tara knows why." He began again, causing me to look up as we locked eyes, "You can come back from this."

I lightly shook my head, sliding my knife back into its holster, "We need to talk about Daryl," I choked out, crossing my arms, "If this all works out, I'm not going to a place he'll be able to find me this time, so I need you to make sure he doesn't go looking for me."

I watched as Rick sharply inhaled, his eyes mindlessly scanning the landscape around us, "Does Daryl know about any of this?"

"No, and if you tell him we both know he's going to end up getting himself killed." I reminded.

Rick shook his head, rubbing his hand over his face as his frustration level visibly rose, "And your other plan-- your first plan?" He brought up, "What am I supposed to tell Daryl if that happens?"

I let out a sigh as my mind quickly raced, "Nothing." I breathed, an idea beginning to form as Rick gave me a confused look, "Let's just say Dwight's lying and- and all of this ends up in some sort of hell; if Daryl's not around to see me leave with Negan, don't tell him I did." I suggested, "Because if this plan really doesn't work and I can't kill him myself, you're going to have to go after the Saviors again-- tear down the Sanctuary piece by piece if you have to, and he won't agree to it if he knows I'm in there-"

"No," Rick cut me off, shaking his head as he began walking away, "I'm not going to send our people to attack Negan and the Saviors when you're behind the same wall they are."

I quickly jogged in front of him, stopping him in his tracks before we got within earshot of anyone else, "Rick, I'm begging you.." I breathed, mental exhaustion apparent in my voice, "All of this can't be for nothing," I lightly shook my head, "If you get the chance, whatever the circumstances.. please don't hold back."

Ricks eyes locked with mine as he stayed silent, an unwilling understanding being exchanged before his focus switched to the ground beneath our feet, "You can come back from all of this-- it's not too late." He repeated.

My lips formed into a tight line, trying to hold back emotion as I slightly nodded, "It is for me."

Sorry for the late update, but I just really wanted to take my time with this one on one time with Rick and Liz, because it will definitely come into play in the future

Do you guys have any predictions as to where Daryl and Liz are going to end up? Physically and romantically speaking? I'd love to hear your thoughts

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