Authors Note

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So before we  begin this story I just want to reiterate, SPOILER WARNING! PLAY SUN AND MOON!

Other than that I want to say thank you to jessgrono for the amazing cover. She did a great job and deserves full credit, so go check her out if you need a cover or just want to read one of her stories. Oh yeah, she also makes stories. They're all great and she's currently(At the time of writing this, April 2nd) Working on a story involving a new Pokemon Region and she's also finishing an incredible trilogy story as well. Her writing is much better than mine so be sure to check her out if you're interested.

I was not required to say any of that, only give her credit. So don't assume I just praised her since she made me a cover. Not at all the case. 

So without further adieu, welcome to Lunar Light!  

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