Horror // Calum Hood

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You laughed loudly at the girlish scream that Calum just made. It was 4:28am and you two were having a horror movie marathon.

"Aw, is little Cal-baby scared?" you smirked, pinching his cheeks. He just shook you off and ran his hair through his hair nervously.

"Shut up" he muttered as you giggled again and turned back to the screen.

After about 10 minutes, you realised that Cal wasn't actually watching the movie, but looking at you instead.

"It's rude to stare, you know" you say, giving him a cheeky wink. He looked down, a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

You and Cal were best friends, and that's all you thought of him as; a friend.

But, it wasn't the same for him. Little did you know that Calum had had a crush on you ever since the day he first laid eyes on you, which coincidentally was during a horror movie at the cinemas.

"Hey, Y/N" you heard him whisper. You replied with a "mmhm?", eyes still trained on the screen in front of you. Cal cleared his throat before continuing.

"Remember when we first met? It was at the c-cinemas, right?" he said, stuttering a bit. You glanced up at him and nodded, unsure of where this conversation was going. He looked down at you, and gulped quickly.

"Well, w-when I, you k-know..."

You gave a short laugh and poked his chest. "T-t-today junior!" He smiled shyly at your words.

"Okay, well when I first s-saw you in line, I t-thought you were, well actually I knew y-you were the one. And e-ever since then I've been sorta m-madly in love with you."

He blurted these words out in such a hurry, that it took you a few seconds to understand what he said. You looked up at him in shock, your mouth in an O shape.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered, looking down as he got up to leave. When he was almost out of the room, you came back to your senses and called out after him.

"Cal! Wait! Don't go, please!" He turned back around, and you could see the tears that were threatening to slide down his cheeks. "Come here" you whispered, pulling him tightly against you in a warm hug.

For a few minutes the both of you just stood there, embracing each other in silence. Soon, you pulled back, and to break the tension you poked his cheek, which earned a light giggle from him.

"Maybe we could try and make this work" you murmured, looking into his eyes. He gave a hopeful smile and looked down at your lips.

"Does that mean, well, c-can I kiss you?" he asked in a quiet voice. Instead of answering, you leaned in and pressed your mouth against his.

Unfortunately, yours and Cal's perfect moment was ruined by an ear-piercing scream that came from the TV. You both pulled apart in shock, and started laughing in realisation.

"We left the TV on" Cal stated, slightly out of breath.

You giggled before pulling him down onto the couch beside you and nestling up to his warm body while continuing to watch the movie.

"Thanks Cal."

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