Airport // Michael Clifford

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You and Michael's parents had been waiting for the last 5 weeks for this moment. The three of you were standing outside the boarding gates at the Sydney airport, waiting for the colourful haired boy to walk through.

The plane had landed 2 minutes before, and you all were getting really excited. You hadn't seen your boyfriend since he had left to tour with One Direction over a month ago.

Suddenly a huge mob of people started exiting through the gates. You stood on your tippy toes, attempting to spot his coloured hair in the swarm of bodies.

But... he wasn't there. You turned to his parents with a confused look. The crowd was gone now, and there was still no Michael. You all were shocked and scared. What had happened to him?!

Michael's dad was about to go up to one of the staff members and ask what was going on, until you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't get my seatbelt undone and then I accidentally broke-"

You ran up to him and cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Ranii..." he sighed in relief, before cupping your face in his warm hands.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, beautiful." You smiled and nudged him towards his parents. He gave you a warm peck on the lips before pulling his mum and dad into a massive bear hug.

"I've missed you all so, so much." He muttered before wiping his eyes and giving a short laugh. "You've even made me cry!"

You all walked up to get his luggage, Michael making sure your hand was in his the whole time.

You got back to his house and just relaxed, happy to have the love of your life home.

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