At The Park // Ashton Irwin

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If you want an imagine, just read the first page :-) x

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I sighed as I looked up at the idiotic boy in front of me.

Just imagine a 6foot teenage guy on a swing in a park, screaming at the top of his lungs.

There's Ashton Irwin for you.

"You're so embarrassing." I muttered loudly, hoping he'd hear me. I heard a heavy thud and slight groan before he walked over to me.

"What did you say, (Y/N)?" he asked, trying to muster up an angry face. I just laughed and poked his chest. "I said, you're hot and I want to have your babies! What else?" His face dropped for a moment, but luckily I didn't notice it. He didn't want me to know that for the past few months he'd been wanting more than just a friendship.

It's true that Ashton and I are only friends. We'd known each other practically our whole lives, and he was pretty much a brother to me. Even when his band 5 Seconds of Summer hit the spotlight, we stayed in touch and remained close.

Ash was now sitting quietly next to me. I giggled softly before poking his chest once more.

"What's wrong Ashhhh?" I asked. He grumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"Speak up, stupid" I said, giving his shoulder a push. I certainly did not expect him to fall sideways, and I also did not expect him to pull me down with him. With a thud, we both landed in the dirt, me on top of him. I started laughing hysterically, hiding my face in his t-shirt. I tried to get up, but he held me down.

"Let me go, fat ass!" I laughed, but not attempting to fight against his grip. I looked down at his face, and he looked deep in thought. It was quiet for a second, until he broke the silence.

"Do you really want to know what I said?" he asked, looking at me seriously. I nodded, unsure of where this was heading.

He gulped quickly before looking into my eyes and slowly leaning towards me.

"Asht-" I muttered, just as our lips touched. It was only brief, but it was a sweet kiss. I pulled back and pressed my fingers to my lips.

"Oh." I whispered. He closed his eyes and started speaking in a quiet voice.

"(Y/N)... I love you, okay? I know you probably don't feel the same way because you think of me as a brother, but I just thought th-"

I placed my hand against his cheek and cut him off by pressing my lips to his once again. He was shocked for a moment, but soon he responded by moving his lips against mine slowly. After a minute, he pulled back breathlessly and grinned. I smiled back and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Ash."

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