Chapter Eleven: Scared

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The restaurant didn't have many windows, in fact it only had some in the front where we walked in. Not that it mattered that much, I think the dimmed lighting gave the fancy diner more of a romantic mood anyway.

Lucas was talking with the manager about something, but I soon realized what when we were given a private room to eat. The place wasn't that crowded as it was only lunch time but still I think being alone was better than being out in the open. I mean we could act more like a couple back here without scrutinizing eyes.

I sighed looking at the menu, the pricing was too much for me. After debating on what to get, I decided ordering from the kids menu would suffice.

It wasn't like I was completely broke, no I had money saved up, although I wanted to keep it that way.

"I've got you covered Benji." Lucas said suddenly, as if he had read my thoughts. "I wouldn't have invited you to lunch just to make you pay."

I looked back at the menu before answering. "Okay, but next time though I'll definitely pay for you."

Lucas just chuckled at my response and went back to looking at his menu.

"What do you plan to get Benji?"


"You like fish?" he asked, clearly surprised.

"No way, fish tastes like crap." I scowled. "But lobster and shrimp are really good, oh and clams too."

Lucas nodded in understanding, chucking at my word choice before gazing back at his menu. I was surprised to see that their seafood wasn't as expensive as I would have thought, much cheaper than any meat on here. The steaks were out of this world, but of course a fine guy like Lucas ordered the most expensive one. I mean I couldn't blame him, if I had that kind of money I'd buy as much food as I could.

I hummed while looking further at their desserts wondering if he would be okay with me getting one but I thought to hell with it and would order the chocolate fudge cake anyway.

The waiter took our orders and went on her way to put them in while I tried to find something to fill the void. He sipped his tall glass of water gazing at the alcohol. I sighed, only if I was of age to drink like he could.

I leaned over the table looking at what he was so interested in. "Are you going to drink?"

"I might get some wine."

"Woah look at the price." I announced and Lucas just laughed before looking me in the face.

He suddenly reached out to examine my ear closely.

"I didn't know you had a piercing." he said but I just shrugged. It wasn't that important, well that's only because I can't afford any jewelry at the moment. I wasn't sure what kind of things Lucas liked, he seemed to be the type of guy that hated body piercings. Not that I had any tattoos, I think they would look cool but I'm not a fan of the price.

"I don't have any jewelry to put in it, so it'll close up eventually."

His eyes gleamed with something I couldn't quite describe and just like that it was gone and he had turned to the appetizer bread. I leaned back in my chair and waited for the girl to come back with our food. We talked about random stuff, and ate in a relaxed atmosphere which was perfect for our date. It wasn't awkward either, but I knew it was because of his cool personality that eased the tension.

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