Chapter Twenty: Swallow

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I had been reading the same line for the past fifteen minutes now, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get past it.

The flight back was a lot shorter than I would have anticipated, but still nonetheless full of constant thoughts and anticipation. The thoughts were of my latest vacation and the events that transpired, and the anticipation was from excitement—though I wasn't sure why I was excited.

Emery and Michael had taken a different route home, leaving me alone on a private plane owned by none other than Lucas, and of course on board with the man himself. My cheeks burned red when I thought about my dominant, and well him spanking me last night! How embarrassing! I tried not to let it show on my face, as he was sitting rather close.

His hand rested on my thigh, reminding me that I should be reading—not thinking.

But how could I not think! This book was boring anyway and it wasn't exactly like I was actually reading it. All I could think about was Lucas!

After all that had happened I wasn't surprised we left the next day, but I still wasn't exactly sure what happened to Henry. Lucas wouldn't tell me. All he did say was that we wouldn't be seeing them again—and though I agreed to that  considering what had happened, I still couldn't help but wonder what actually went on between them.

Henry went through all that trouble of planting the ring, only for it to backfire on him! Well at least I think it backfired — I guess I wouldn't  know until someone's tells me.

I did at least know that whatever he was gonna get he deserved.

I wanted to know but maybe it was best that I didn't. Lucas didn't seem to be in the mood to talk about it anyway—busy with whatever papers were in front of him.

Even without his undivided attention I still felt the comfort of his thumb as it rubbed circles on my thigh, comforting and yet mind reeling at the same time. I couldn't stop thinking about it, even if it wasn't supposed to be a sexual act I couldn't take it as anything but! Again, I wasn't exactly wearing underwear either(rules set by Lucas), only a loose fitted pair of sweats and a T-shirt to cover my body.

Shit. This is why I was excited.

I used the book to cover myself as best as I could but I knew he would find out eventually. It was super embarrassing!

"Pet," he called gently, and I perked up from the book immediately. "Do you want something else to keep you occupied? Maybe then you'll stop your fidgeting."

"No, Sir. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Nothing to be sorry for." He chuckled. "are you enjoying the book?"

"It's kinda boring." I guiltily said. "I don't really read all that much, Sir."

He ran a refreshing hand through my hair, pulling my gaze to him instantly.

"Mhmmm? What would you rather do?"

"I-I don't know, Sir." I blushed, wondering if I should say it. No, it was way too embarrassing!

Lucas moved his hand up my thigh and rested his overly warm hand close to my excited bulge. Then, without so much as a fumble, bent down to whisper in my ear.

"Are you sure about that?" his breath was hot, and pressed right up against my ear, sending wonderful shivers down my spine. "what do you want Benji? Before you begin, I do not tolerate lying, pet."

I stared down at his hand, his ever so creeping hand. Every thought in my mind was constant and pestering—he wanted me to say it.

"P-please you, Sir."

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