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You tugged on your sweater as the cold room around you made you shiver. You were in the theater with your boyfriend, Akashi Seijuro, and he had rented the whole room for the both of you.

You had said you really wanted to watch Kong the other day to your friend, (F/N). He had overheard the conversation and planned to go out with you to a cinema.

So, here you were. Cuddled near him as Tom Hiddleston and his leading lady, with their little entourage, were trying to go North of the island.

Later on, a scene where it involves many painful deaths, you cringed at the sight. You didn't really appreciate that part. But to your right, you saw your boyfriend looking intently at the screen, a satisfied expression plastered on his usually deadpan face.

"What the heck, Sei-kun," you muttered as he was ignoring you completely. You huffed a bit as you wanted some attention and demand an explanation why he's satisfied with a gruesome scene.

So you slithered away from him, kinda ticked off and weirded out. He didn't really notice it until the scene was changed into a calm scne.

"(Y/N), aren't you cold?"

You finally heard your boyfriend speak a word to you after quite a while. You just shrugged and didn't bother to reply. He seemed taken aback by your sudden attitude.

"What happened to you?" He asked as you just looked at him. "You were sooo creepy a while ago." You muttered as he caught it. "What do you mean, (Y/N)?" He asked, unsure why. "Weeell, you were kinda giving off a creepy vibe as you enjoyed the sort-of gruesome scene." You admitted as you didn't bother to meet his gaze.

You heard him give out a soft chuckle as you gazed up, unsure what to do. "Well, I guess my reactions couldn't be helped, (Y/N). This is how I find something to satisfy and amuse me."

You shruddered, thinking, Would he hurt me then?

Akashi ruffled your (H/L) (H/C) hair, making it messier. "Silly, I'd never inflict pain on you. If I even do, I must be out of my mind." He looked at you lovingly. "Y-You're such a sap at times!" You flicked his hand off your head as he pecked you. "Hush now, Akashi (Y/N). We are here for the movie."

You processed his words. Okay, keep quiet so you can enjoy the movie. Okay. Akashi (Y/N)? OH MY GOD.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" You shrieked. He gave you a 'really?' look and put his pale and slender hand on your thigh. "I said quiet down. We need to watch the movie, Akashi (Y/N). Well, more on, future Akashi (Y/N)." He shrugged and focused back on the movie.

"Wha-what?! You plan on marrying me?!" You shrieked yet again, earning a semi-glare look from him. "I do. Why do you think I have spent my high school years, stay connected through college, and still take you on dates even after our education? Why do you think I still put up with you?" He asked as you blushed darkly. "You don't just spend lots of years with someone and then don't plan to marry them. That's just not right." He looked at you blankly.

"I will ask you in the future to marry me, (Y/N). Not today, though. I would want you to get a serious job and actually be ready for another step in life. I will wait for the time when you're ready to build a family." He looked at you lovingly.

"But now, I said focus on the movie."

You focused on the movie, unable to get a stupid grin off your face and choking back the happy tears.

You were definitely lucky with the Akashi Seijuro.

I want to cry its sooo cliché :(

But i just wanted to post a short update to show im still alive :D

A wider variety of characters coming up!! :)

I jse emoticons too much ok. And updates might get slower because i have training and procrastination mahn.

jaaaaaa neeeee

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