a o m i n e

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this may seem similar to the himuro tatsuya world war au. there are differences though soooo ;).


Aomine was definitely an idiot. No doubt. But his decleration a while ago in front of you and your daughter made you realize that he wasn't kidding and he wanted this.

All his life, your husband wanted to become a police officer. So he became one. He saved multiple lives and was able to enforce the regulations. But as he grew up, he became matured in a way. He wasn't the same man in high school who bought pornographic magazines and slacked off. He knew his duties and responsibilities as an officer and as a husband.

He changed drastically, but at the end of the day, he was still the same man you fell in love with at the first year of high school. And you loved him for all of that.

But steering back to the topic, you were still shocked.

He was happy woth his job. But he wanted to take it further.

He wanted to become a soldier.


"I still don't know about this." you stated and he gave you a pleading look. "Please. Just trust me."

He had that look in his eyes. It was passion. He wanted this to happen. You couldn't be a boulder blocking him and his love for-- protecting.

And so you let him go. To the military academy he's been raving about for ages, to an uncertain land. You let him go to the place you were afraid that'd kill him.

You let him go. You had to.

And it killed you.


You dropped a plate.

You picked it up, cleaned the shards and muttered words to yourself, stating how clumsy you are.

Accidentally cutting through your skin, you yelled out a sharp cry. You winced and tried to stop further bleeding by sucking on it.

And a memory was thrown at you.

It was you accidentally cutting yourself while preparing some onion soup and your husband giving you immediate medical attention. You sliced your finger and he pressed on it, let you suck and put some medicine for it to not have an infection.

(honestly i dont know how the fuck you help people i aint no medic.)

Seeing him in your head. His dark hair, tan skin, mischievous gleam in his eyes and that little smirk-- it was unbearable.





You forced those words into your head and cried and cried.

Why did I have to be so compassionate? He died because of me! ME!

Why did I have to be so weak? I made him go for it?


it was always why.

why did i gave him the chance

why did i let go

and now he was gone

why did he have to die?


i understand it's very short-- but it's better than nothing.

anyways i updated and im happy! i missed writing v much!

ive been so busy i cant even. but yall have to be proud of me i have a girlfriend and shes amazing. oh my god even writing about her makes me smile. :))

see u next time!

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