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"(y/n)cchi, I got us tickets from my work!" Kise, your husband, stomped in the house as you cooked dinner. "Really? Where to?" You asked, eyes sparkling. You loved Ryota's job. It gave you so many opportunities to go out and travel. "The Maldives!" He beamed as you grinned.

"I should go ready my swmimsuit then." You confirmed as he pouted. "But then many guys would look at you!!" He whined as you sighed, ignoring the grown-up pilot that was acting like a child. "When's the flight?" You asked after a while as he checked the tickets he was holding. "Ummm... Tomorrow!" He jumped, ecstatic. "Where do we seat?" You pressed on. "Do you mean where do you sit?" He raised his brow. "Huh?" You got confused. "I'll be flying the plane, (y/n)cchi!~"

You cringed. "Hopefully I won't die..."

"You're so mean, (y/n)cchi!" He cried out as you calmed him down saying you were only kidding. He ended up asking for a kiss or two. When he wanted to go for more, you stopped him. "I have to finish cooking, then pack up." You grinned mischievously.

In the end, you two have packed up and slept, his muscular arms around your small waist.


You were seated in the first class area, to your surprise. The whole plane has been experiencing a mild turbulence for quite a while now, and lightning bolts could be seen easily. You sweatdropped. But you had to have faith. The one taking control of the plane was your husband after all. Ignoring the frightening bolts, you continued reading the magazines stacked.

After a while, the turbulence grew heavier and heavier.

"Please go back to your seats and fasten your seatbelts." An automated voice said as you clutched tightly on your seatbelt. 'Ryota can get us out of this situation. He's a great pilot.' You chanted in your head as the flight became wobbly.

Everything after this was unclear for you.

Hard rain poured, accompanied by shocking thunder and lightning. "This is the pilot speaking. We will be pullinthe plane down, closer to the ground. Please do not move away from your seats." You heard your husband's soothing voice say.

You prayed that nothing bad would happen. Soon, you looked through the window and saw underneath you was ground.


"This is too low." Kise said as his co-pilot agreed. "We need to get back up." He commented as he switched gears.

"Hello? Pilot Kise and Pilot (random guy's name)? Are you there?" Someone was calling them. Kise switched their mic on and replied. "We are. What do you have to report?" He asked while turning on stuff. Yeah. I know,

"Go any further and you'll all be struck by lightning. There's a big storm brewing and it's not friendly. You have to land this plane to avoid more deaths. I'm pretty sure underneath you is a jungle. Better safe than sorry." The girl said as Kise tightened his grip.

"Okay. We'll announce that we'll have to crash." Kise said, face stony.

"This is your pilot, Kise Ryota speaking." Kise breathed in before going in.

"I have a very unpleasant announcement. We would have to land this plane now. You can see that we have been in one place for awhile now. We would be goig straight ahead down. This is approximately ninety-five thousand meters down. The crash would be an impact but all we need is to have our seatbelts tightened so no one gets dragged." He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"And before I start to switch gears, I would like to say I'm sorry if this will cause a lot of trouble. Go back and we'll face a storm, go forward and we'll face the same storm. We're in the eye of the storm and we don't have enough gas to stay here for awhile."

"Then I would like to say to my wife who is riding with us that I love you, (your full name). When we both live through this, I promise to cherish you more and not drag you to crazy things. And maybe I would become ten times more overprotective. For your sake, of course. I love you so much, (y/n). And I found about the baby we're having. I want you both to live through this."

"I'll give everyone couple of minutes to say what they want to say, just in case." Kise's voice was cracking. "I'll come back to say we would be having a crash. Thank you very much for riding with us."


(y/n) was clutching the seat hard. She stood up and marched to the pilot's room. The stewardess let her enter for she knew she was the wife of the pilot. "Kise you idiot... Why?" You punched his chest multiple times. "(y/n)cchi, don't cry. Now look. I love you and that future baby of ours. But understand we need to do this. Do you want everyone to die then? Or let some die and some survive? This is the reasonable way to act in this situation."

You puffed your cheeks as you held his hand. "Survive for us, okay?" You laughed bitterly. "I was actually going to surprise you when we get to Maldives, but here it has been spoiled."

He laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. "(y/n)cchi, I knew about this when you accidentally left the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. I pretended I didn't notice just in case you weren't ready to tell me." He pulled on your chin, locking his golden orbs with your puffy and dull (e/c) ones.

"Land this plane safely, alright?" You gripped on his coat as he nodded.

'(y/n)cchi doesn't need to know what I've planned. It is my decision.' Kise thought to himself as he nodded at his co-pilot.

"Go back to your seat. I'll see you." Kise kissed her deeply and savoured every moment, knowing this is probably the last time.


(y/n) went back to her seat and slumped on it. She was at the back part of the class. Fumbling with her fingers and eyes puffed. Passengers around her were either crying or raging away.

She felt the plane tip forward and she looked outside the window. They were approaching the ground. Not so fast. Head on.

She realized something. Kise would die, no matter what. He was in the tip of the plane after all.

She screamed and screamed unti her throat felt dry. She screamed to distract herself to not see that they were going down deeper and deeper. She screamed for her husband. She screamed because if she lived, she wouldn't have a reason to live for.

Her eyesight was blurry, her face a mess. Her hair was tangled and her lips were pouted out. She was a wreck in under a couple of minutes.

She didn't seem like the only one like that though.

And everything blacked out.


"It's been alright here, Ryota." (y/n) grinned at the said man. "I'm sorry if I left for awhile, (y/n)cchi." The man scratched his nape sheepishly. "Where were you?"

Kise stopped in his tracks. "Up there."

(y/n) clutched the bed sheets tightly as she awoke from her dream.

It's been two years since the flight.

She had a baby boy who almost died. She almost died too.

But Kise died after the impact.

"I miss you, Ryota."


Please comment on which Kuroko no Basket character you would like to see have a oneshot in the drunk series. The drunk series is when they accidentally get drunk (or not by accident) and what they'll do when they're drunk. The mains (GOM and Kuroko) are always automatic. Mayuzumi has one too. Sooo leave down a chara and if you want, tell me what kind of drunk he is!

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