s g s p e c i a l s : m o r i y a m a

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It kind of sucked being his girlfriend.

Moriyama was definitely sweet and okay as a boyfriend—at a glance—but you thought it was a burden being his girlfriend.

As much as his flattery when courting you were sweet and sincere, it seemed like he hasn't complimented you ever since. Was this it? After earning the heart of a beautiful girl, he would just stare at it for a while, and then stare at other girls?

It was like that. You had to watch him gawk at other females as you stood next to him all the time, fighting the tears threatening to come down.

But he was your first love. First boyfriend. First everything. He made you feel all sorts of crazy but now... it felt like the relationship was sucked dry and you were just clinging on; thinking you can't leave him. You still tried to convince yourself you loved him, and he loves you the same. Or so you liked to think.

"What am I going to do now?" you whispered to yourself as you tried contacting him as you found out recently that he lost a game against Seirin.

You couldn't reach him. He wasn't replying to your texts or calls, and not even a single seen.

"Where could he be?" you talked to yourself and then turned your phone off, annoyed at the bright screen. You massaged your face in desperate attempt to calm yourself down.

"Kasamatsu please have answers..." you whisper-yelled as you dialed the said man's number.

"Hello?" it was picked up after three rings. Three. The shots he made for the team. Moriyama.

"K-Kasamatsu, have you seen Moriyama anywhere?" you stuttered as the thought raced into your head.

"Yup. He's next to me. Why?" he replied as you fought the urge to roll of your bed. "Thank god! What's happened to him?!" you yelled at the phone then felt sorry. "Gomen." You apologized quickly as Kasamatsu was silent.

"I think..." he tried to find the right words. "We're in a barbeque place. It's near where the Winter Cup is being held. Get over here real quick."

And he hung up on you.

Wasting no more time, you slipped on your favorite jeans and a t-shirt Moriyama said he liked. You also put on top a large coat because of the cold weather.

You arrived by the stadium and on the lookout for the barbeque place Kasamatsu mentioned. As you looked around, you spotted it easily as it had a neon, flashy sign that said eat all you can.

So you ran to the shop and opened the door, sliding the door to the right, and saw the whole Kaijo team by the back. It was easy to spot them with their white-blue uniforms.


Your call was caught off as you saw Moriyama talking to another girl, arm on her waist. And that wasn't the end of it. He crushed you as they kissed.

"(y/n)." Kasamatsu looked at you in the eye as you looked at your boyfriend.

"Moriyama, what's this?" you approached him as your eyes felt like they were betraying you. "Ah... (y/n)..." Moriyama saw you and was rendered speechless.

"And here I am, trying to find a light in this fucking relationship." You bit your lip and looked at him in the eye. "We'll talk. In the meantime, enjoy your loss against Seirin." You stated and slapped him.

You stormed out of the barbeque place, ignoring others' whispers and murmurs. You just couldn't anymore.

It was still early. 3 pm. And there's a game.

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