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You grinned at the mirror, satisfied with the ensemble you pieced. A white dress with capped sleeves, a leather jacket on top, and your favorite pair of sneakers. You texted your boyfriend of one year that you're on the way. And as usual, he just seen you.

To some others, they would assume immediately that Kirisaki Dai Ichi's captain is a cold-hearted and reckless person that's uncapable of mercy. But in reality, he had a soft spot for people he cared for.

If it was a normal girl who'd say that she was on her way, the boy would usually reply back. So if someone else dated Hanamiya and was used to all that chivalry, they would probably get a little ticked off by their boyfriend not sending a 'take care' or 'see you soon' or even a kiss emoji.

But you knew that he wasn't really like the other guys. So, leaving the house, you left the porch's light on and made your way to the mall.

Minutes after you arrived, you went to the (favorite food) shop and ordered your favorite.

Before even paying at the register, you felt an arm sling around your small frame and saw the familiar pale hands of your boyfriend as you caught him murmur "Tch. I knew you'd be here." You chuckled lightly and playfully punched his arm. "You want some?" You asked as he nodded. He was about to get some when you stopped him. "No, I'm feeding you."

You literally felt his glare. You didn't even have to look at him to know he was glaring. You pursed your lips at him as he sighed in defeat. He had lost his appetite because he didn't want to be spoonfed like a baby, but anything to make you happy.

You gave him some and squealed like a child at seeing his face submitting to your request and ate it through and through. You pinched his cheek afterward, earning a grunt and an eyeroll from him. (OALDIALSJ JUST IMAGINE and dayum Makoto is edgy af)
"Oi, you're mocking me now," Makoto said as he stood up. You pouted at him and just followed him outside, feeling bad about the food. He waited for you and reached for your hand. You smiled at this. Makoto looked at you and smiled as well, he loves seeing you happy and all.

Both of you reached into your destination, which is the cinema. You (tumili) lighty as you saw your most awaited movie ever. "Do you want to watch that?" He asked you. You nodded quickly, Makoto tch'ed at you. "You're so hopeless, let's watch it." You hugged him so tight and poured him with kisses. He blushed as he pushes you away lighty. "Stop it." You giggled at his cuteness. He paid for your tickets, even though you resisted, and waited for the show. You hummed in joy. "You're so childish (Name)," he said. "And that's what you love in me," you teases. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "It's already time, let's go," you said.

You both bought popcorn and drinks. The cinema was cold, you shivered once the cold breeze hit you. Of course, Makoto noticed it. He placed his jacket all over your shoulder, you looked at him. "I don't need to. I'm fine." "You're so ungrateful , just keep it and shut up." You huffed. "Ok I'm sorry, but thanks." You both took a seat in your assigned seats. "I can't wait to watch it!" You said. Makoto secretly smiled at your actions. "Jeez, stop being so childish. It's just a movie." "Yeah, a movie I've been waiting for the longest time ever!" "Ok sure, whatever."

As you two talked, a couple took a seat behind you, looking so happy and quite noisy. You're quite jealous because they are so sweet. You looked at Makoto who seems very annoyed by their pressence. "Makoto." "What?" "Nothing, I just wanted to say your name." Makoto tch'ed again. The ad stopped indicating that the movie is going to start.

As the movie progressed on, you were very engrossed in it. But a certain action stopped your fantasy-happy-go-lucky state. No, it wasn't that Makoto was whispering I love you to you, or him asking you to go closer. Not that mushy thing. But it was very upsetting that caused you to lose your attention on the movie.

The asshole's foot (you pertaining to the male half of the couple behind you) was literally a couple inches from your face. Makoto noticed you suddenly became uncomfortable and saw the reason. He tried not to lunge at the guy at your back, thanks to your calming and serene smile. You just snuggled closer to him, ignoring the large shoe of the asshole. Finally, you got your attention to the movie, not until the guy's foot kicked your seat. You sighed in annoyance, hoping that Makoto won't notice, but he did. "(Name)." "No, please? Don't," you said with a smile that causes Makoto not to punch that guy.

The movie (does not) end well, you looked at that couple who got into your nerves. They looked like they don't even bothered someone. You mentally cursed them. You didn't notice Makoto leaving you and going for that asshole. When your senses comes back to life, you mentally curses again and rushes to him. "Makoto!" "Hey asshole," Makoto said to the guy. The guy looked at him with a confusion. "What did you just said?" The man spoke. "I said 'Hey asshole', are you deaf?" You slapped Makoto's arms. "I'm so sorry, sir," you told the man. "You better be. I'm not doing anything to this man and yet he called me 'asshole'," he said while pointing at Makoto. Makoto spits at his finger while you looked at him shockingly. Many people noticed the commontion. "Excuse you, but you did. It seemed like your foot wanted to be pet by my girlfriend!" You mentally prayed that Makoto won't punched the guy (even though you wished he will). The man looked more confused by this. "Let me handle this, Makoto." "No. Let ME handle this. You see asshole, my girlfriend didn't enjoyed the movie that she really wanted to see for the longest time because of your goddamn foot." "Is that really it? Its not that big deal obviously. She could have said something."

Oh no he didn't

You didn't let this in right now. You were annoyed.

You are angry

"'Not a big deal?' You fucking ruined MY FAVORITE movie ever! Do you know how much that annoyed me? I could have said something but no! I'm the nicest girl ever, but now I'm a bitch because you fucking annoyed the hell out of me. You know what? If I could chopped your legs, I've done it. Burning your legs— no fuck it, your body would be better! You know why? Not only your legs were annoying, you seem to have a gorilla face. (Okamura woops //slapped). Wait no, your attitude too! You're a fucking dick! Why not put a condom on your head since you are a dick, you might as well dress like one. Did you eat a poop? Because your attitude is shit and your breathe fucking stinks! Fuck you!" You said, flipping a bird.

Makoto looked amused and puts his hands around your shoulder. He sticked his tongued out as he looked at you, half amused, half in-awe. "Now that's my girlfriend."



Unedited. Sorry for the mistakes.

so i hope you guys enjoyed thisssss! Also, i wasnt the only one who wrote this. My dearie loving_a_freak helped out! This is prolly the last makoto for a while (since ive written billions bout him already). Next up:

Himuro x Reader
Kagami x Reader
Mibuchi x Reader

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