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requested by: DefneEucliffe . i'm really sorry i don't think i nailed the yandere part. this is more on the possessive side. but i hope you like this!



You bounced on your bed you shared with your boyfriend for almost four years. Well, tomorrow was your fourth year anniversary. And you were excited. You planned to make him breakfast and give him the scrapbook you were working on ever since last year. It kept track of all your adventures together and showcased your sweet pictures. You really hoped that those two handmade gifts would please him and make him smile. Like you would kill for that to happen.

He got out of the shower, drying his hair. His face expression was stone cold and you felt shivers run down your spine. "Hey, what's the matter, Seijuro?" You asked, patting the space next to you, motioning him to sit down. "Nothing." He pulled out a fresh set of clothes and went back into the bathroom. That was unusual. He would usually dress up in front of you, managing to tease you and you'd blush.

"Something's wrong..." You muttered as you pulled out your laptop and began to reply to emails.

He emerged from the bath once again and plopped down next to you, also pulling out his own laptop. You could hear him mumbling words when he's reading an email, or curse at the person who sent it. Very unusual. He usually kept his calm.

"Stupid businessman." He tched and you slammed your hand on your thigh. "That's it, Sei! Why are you so moody today?" You crossed your arms infront of him as he sighed and raised his head. "Where did we go a while ago, (y/n)?" He asked as you remembered. "We went shopping for my clothes." You huffed. "What happened in the store?"

"Hey! Let's go in there!" You pointed at Pandora as he nodded, following you. Two more men followed you two carrying shopping bags of different brands. This was supposed to be a simple lunch date. But Akashi insisted on buying you things you really didn't need as a pre-anniversary gift. And of course, you went along with his ride.

"Woah, these look beautiful!" You chirped as you asked the salesladey to pull out different braceltes for you with different charms. "They're new designs." She replied as you eyed them. You looked at Seijuro who was talking to someone on his phone. He found your gaze as your eyes screamed 'can I take it?' you could see the amusement in his fiery eyes you fell in love with.

'Go ahead.' He mouthed. You felt yourself feel giddy and excited as you said you'll take it.

Unfortunately, the woman's shift ended. She replaced herself with a male who obviously took a liking on you. But you were too oblivious to get his body language. He started recommending different bracelets and rings, just to clasp on your hands. Of course he liked you. You were rich and pretty— the daughter of two successful entrepreneurs.

"Excuse me, but my fiancé will be taking this." Akashi had enough of that man. He went up to the counter, dropping his call with a jewelry maker, because he was ticked off. "You don't need to recommend others." He said, venom in his words and a deadly glare stuck on his eyes.

And of course, the man knows who was glaring at him. The Akashi Seijuro. "Ah yes, yes." He sweatdropped and brought the box to the counter. "Fiancé?" You wondered as he tsked. He handed you his credit card and you kissed his cheeks. "Thank you." He gave you a small smile and went back on the phone.

Before you left, he went to the salesman and spit out words you couldn't comprehend.

"Don't you dare touch my woman again, you disgusting peasant."

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