.chapter ii.

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Gwen rushed through the hallways as she raced towards Merlin's chambers. She was suppose to pick up his sister ten minutes ago, and she had gotten so caught up with her chores that she had totally forgot. What was the girl's name again? Y/N? Her hands quickly grabbed her dress, lifting it off the ground, now running.

She smiled and waved at passing servants and maids, the smile fading the instant they turned the corner. Sweat was starting to run down her forehead, her feet pounding against the ground. In five minutes time, she arrived at Merlin's door, knocking before entering.

Gaius was, as usual, sitting at his desk, cluttered with papers about poisons and remedies. He smiled and gestured her towards the stairs. "She's ready."

Gwen clapped her hands together. "Great! Shall I go get her?" Gaius nodded, allowing Gwen to quickly walk up the stairs. She knocked three times, giving Merlin a few seconds until she opened the door.

A girl was humming as she folded a basket of clothes, gently setting them in drawers. Gwen cleared her throat, startling the girl.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"That's alright! I'm Gwen, I am here to give you a tour of the castle." Gwen smiled, handing the girl a navy blue apron that went perfectly with her red dress.

"Is this for me? It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, unfolding it and holding it up to her frame. Her grin grew big, eyes bright and full of excitement.

"Why thank you, I made it myself. And yes, it is for you. You'll be needing it as you start picking up shifts around the castle." The girl quickly tied the straps around her waist and neck, the cloth fitting perfectly against her waist. "Y/N, right?"

"At your service." She spoke, dramatically bowing before Gwen locked their arms together.

"Merlin told me I'd like you. I guess he was actually right for once." Gwen murmured. They walked out, Gwen busy talking about the castle and how shifts work, leading her to the front doors. Gaius beamed, scribbling a few words onto paper with his pen.

Merlin walked out a couple minutes later, gripping his pack as he followed the two women towards the castle.

The girls continued to talk, Gwen about the castle and how to survive and Y/N about her adventures. Gwen was entranced by the stories of the fights against bandits and knights of different lands. Y/N inspired by the talk of working shifts and serving nobles along with royalty. They both almost screamed when the discovered they would be working side by side.


When night came and darkness washed over the kingdom of Camelot, Gwen lead Y/N to the dining hall full of knights. They entered the room and sat down around the wooden table, everyone already sat. Arthur spoke and a hush fell over the room.

"It is my pleasure tonight to welcome our new guest, Y/N." Gwen gestured for her to stand, Y/N tentatively standing before spotting Gwaine across the table. His eyes were as wide as his grin while she was asked to talk about herself.

"Well, my name is Y/N. I guess you already knew that," she stuttered nodding at Arthur. "I'm Merlin's older sister. We are twins even though we look nothing alike."

"You are older by five minutes! Five minutes!" Merlin shouted, earning a flying cup to the head to which he avoided.

Y/N sat and Arthur started the meal, striking a conversation with the knight to his left. Gwen talked about all the different knights, giving Y/N names and telling embarrassing stories. She told her about her brother and about the death-defying circumstances that made him a knight. Y/N thought hard, trying to focus on Gwen, but her gaze slipping towards Gwaine. He was currently talking to (who Gwen told her was) Leon, his head tipping backwards as he let out a loud shriek of laughter.

Y/N melted, continuing to watch as he teased Leon about his hair. When his eyes met hers, she instantly snapped her attention back to Gwen, heat tinting her cheeks. Gwaine grinned, asking for another cup of ale before standing up.

"To Y/N, a new addition to our group of trust and friendship." Merlin was the next to stand, holding his cup in the air. Leon followed, doing the same. The other knights soon pursued. Y/N was the last to stand, lifting her cup high in the air. The room echoed as the knights cheered, chugging down their ale.

The rest of the night went smoothly, ending in Arthur telling daring stories of their adventures and Y/N telling them some of her own. Gwaine was falling for Y/N and he was falling hard. Arthur finally ended the night with hopes of seeing everyone else the next day.


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