.chapter iii.

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Y/N woke with a start, yawning before sitting up. She snorted when Merlin entered her room, drenched in water.

"I hate him, I absolutely hate him!"

"No you don't."

"I know!" He sat on her bed, groaning when his clothing squished from the impact. Y/N sighed, scooting up to Merlin.

"Do you want me to take your shift?"


"That's what I thought." A grin captured Merlin's lips as he sat up, ignoring the sounds coming from his boots as he left the room.

Once he left, Y/N went to get dressed, slipping on her regular red dress before tying on her apron. Gwen had her working in the kitchen today and she was buzzing with excitement. She loved cooking, and even though Merlin and his "sensitive" taste buds disagree, she was very good at it.

She left with a wave at Gaius and a smile bestowing her lips as she made her way to the castle. The village was crowded and busy, the markets packed. Y/N finally made it to the front doors after having to inch her way through the mobs of people.

When she arrived at the kitchen, she let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and walked towards the center. Gwen was already at work, scrubbing plates and starting up conversations with the other maids. She beamed, walking up to Gwen and starting on the pile of wet dishes, wiping them clean with the towels she was provided.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" Gwen questioned, running the sink.

"Good morning to you too! And I slept surprisingly well for a late night."

"That's great! Are you ready to start working?"


After a few minutes the kitchen grew crowded, both girls quickly dismissed before it got too out of hand. Gwen suggested lunch, Y/N agreeing as they made their way down the steps leading towards the doors. Y/N snorted as Gwen told her stories of Merlin and Arthur, not even noticing Gwaine at the end of the staircase. She tripped before falling directly into Gwaine's arms, blushing furiously.

"Watch your step doll, don't want you breaking anything do we?"

"I'm so sorry, I must've tripped on the step!"

"It's no problem, I'm just glad I was there to catch you."

"That makes two of us." Y/N agreed, catching up to Gwen as she continued to walk out the doors.

Gwen grinned, bumping shoulders. "He likes you."

"Gwaine? No! I mean he is kinda cute, but he's a knight! Maids don't like knights."

"So you like him?"

"What- No! Well, maybe a little bit."

Gwen stopped. "Aha! I knew it!"

"Gwen, keep your voice down!" Y/N whispered, watching out for unwanted listeners.

The maid shook her head. "Don't tell me to keep it down, I am so going to get you two together!"

"Gwen, you really don't have too-"

"Y/N, I'm going to do everything in my power to get him to make the move!"

"Oh God please help me." Y/N said, looking to the sky. "Please."

"Stop your complaining, this is going to be the best thing that will ever happen to you!" She pushed, dragging Y/N into her cottage. Y/N sat, slipping off her flats as Gwen began making lunch.

The delicious smell of bread and meat filled the air, sending Y/N's nose into a riot and her stomach into a grumbling mess. She thought of her mother's cooking, a smooth smell mixed with tangy wine, her favorite. Y/N remembered how her mother would yell over the sound of cackling fire, scolding her and her brother for using their magic so openly.

Y/N missed using her magic, but the place she came from forbids it. She's a fighter now, fit to be a knight, and a deserving assassin. She gazed at the tattoo marking her arm, sealing her promise. Of course her magic would slip out every once in awhile, sending waves of exhilaration through her veins before she locked it back up under lock and key. Merlin questioned her inability to use her magic at times, but she brushed him off. Y/N hated pushing him away, he was her best friend, but she was sworn to secrecy. If word got out that she was using her magic, she would be greatly punished.

"Y/N?" Gwen asked, waving her hand over Y/N's eyes.


"You spaced out," she stated, setting a plate full of food in front of her. "Thinking about Gwaine?"

Y/N slapped her shoulder. "No, I was thinking about how I can't wait to eat your food, but I guess that thought just went down the drain." Y/N exclaimed, glaring at the woman sitting next to her.

"Hey, it's not my fault for trying." She joked, shoving a piece of bread in her mouth. Y/N stared at her food, her stomach uneasy, but she managed to tear off a tiny chunk of bread, slowly putting it in her mouth before taking another. Her stomach settled eventually, allowing her to eat with pleasure instead of force. Gwen finished first, standing up and snatching an apple slice from Y/N's plate. Y/N nodded, officially done.

"So, I saw you with Arthur... you like him don't you?" Y/N teased, her grin wide.

"Shhh! Someone might hear you!"

"Awww does someone have a crush on the king?"

"Shut up."

Y/N joined in, helping Gwen wash dishes. "Does he like you back?"

"I don't know, we've been- I wouldn't say together, but, talking for a few weeks now."

"Really? Good for you!"

"Not as cool when you're a servant and he's the king." Gwen huffed, turning the knob to the pump, the water coming to a stop.

"I guess you're right. What should I know, I have a crush on a knight, not a king."


I loved writing this chapter, it let me put all of my snarky thoughts on paper. Please like, vote, and follow my account, new friends are always welcomed!


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