Chapter Two

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Sitting in the back of one of the Guardians black SUV, I listen to the two new Guardians talking to each other about their lives. I quietly study them from my seat. The female who introduce herself as Guardian Nina Delarosa is a medium height and has long platinum blonde hair pulled back into a very neat French braid, a curvy figure and blue-green eyes. The male who introduced himself as Paul Mussino is tall and has midnight black hair cut into a buzz cut, caramel brown eyes and a large build with broad shoulders. They are both wearing light summer coats to conceal the weapons that they carry with them. When I think about the weapons they are carrying I start thinking about all the reasons they would have to carry weapons on them and start to feel a panic rising slowly in my chest. Before the panic can build any further I feel someone grab my hand and instantly recognize it as Josh's and feel myself calm down.

"It's okay, you'll be fine. They will protect you and make sure that you're safe, that we both are safe," Josh says to me knowing what I'm thinking about as easily as if he could read my mind.

"Thank you," I say leaning over and putting my head on his shoulder. "You know exactly what to say."

He wraps his arms around me and holds me close for the rest of the ride to the park.

When we arrive at the park we find a spot under one of the parks many trees and Josh starts setting up the picnic for everyone. When I go to help he tells me to sit on the blanket and let him handle it because it's my birthday picnic and I'm not allowed to do anything. He starts pulling out containers full of different sandwich ingredients, bottles of drink, and different pieces of fruits, sauces and plates. I grab a plate and make myself a chicken, lettuce and mayo sandwich. I look around us at the beauty of the park surrounding us. The beautiful trees with their lovely low hanging branches full of brilliant green leaves, the lovely flowers in full bloom making the air smell so sweet, the gorgeous fountain sitting in the middle of the garden with its musical bubbling and the sweet sounds of the birds chirp. When I finish my sandwich I feel Josh grab my hand and I turn to look at him I see that he has a jeweler's box in his hand.

"Kayla," Josh says sounding nervous. "I brought you this for your birthday and I hope you love."

He opens up the box and to show me the most beautiful silver necklace with an orange citrine oval pendant and matching earrings. I feel my jaw drop open when I see them and look up to see his face. When I look up at him I spot someone familiar walking towards us at a brisk pace and when they get close enough I recognise the person as Michael and I suddenly feel extremely scared. Josh notices the change in my expression and turns around to see what I'm looking at. When he realises what it is that has me upset he quickly stands up to face Michael before he can do anything to upset or harm me. Claire and Justin quickly realise what is happening and move to stop Michael from getting too close to me.

I stand up and move so that I'm standing next to Josh and I feel some of my fear leave me when he reaches out to hold my hand.

"What do you want Michael?" I ask when he is close enough to hear me and am surprised to hear that my voice sounds confident and strong because I don't feel very confident.

"I got sent by the Hunters to issue a message to you and your personal Guardians," Michael says sounding just as confident and strong as I did.

"Well get it over with because in case you didn't notice your interrupting something, you aren't welcome here. It's only because I don't want to upset Kayla that I haven't punched you yet," Josh growls in a threatening voice and I know that he means it by the look on his face.

"Fine, I'd hate to interrupt your special date together," Michael says in a sneer.

"You idiot, you know that it's my birthday tomorrow and the special date your interrupting is for my birthday," I tell him before Josh can say anything.

"Yeah, I know when it is and I don't care," Michael says with a glare in my direction.

"Just give me the message before Josh or one of my Guardians lose their self-control and punch you in the face," I say with a smile.

"Fine, the message is this: The Hunters wish to call a truce with you and your Guardians and we won't attack you as long as you renounce your crown," He says looking upset that this is the message that he has to deliver.

"You expect a truce after you kidnapped and tried to kill her," Justin says finally breaking his silence and stepping forward. "You Hunters are as stupid as I always knew you were. Now Leave."

"No, I have to have an answer from Kayla," Michael says standing his ground. "Are you go to answer or let your Guardians do all the talking?"

"Get the hell away from me Michael. The answers no and I don't ever want to see your face ever again." I tell him, in my most deadly voice.

"Leave. Now. Before we make you leave," Justin says and opens his coat a bit to show Michael the gun he has tucked in to his belt.

"Fine, I'll leave but this means there won't be any peace between us," Michael says talking only to me.

"Go ahead, I don't care just leave me alone, please," I say, letting my anger colour the tone of my voice.

"Fine," he says before turning and storming away.

I move and sit back down on the picnic blanket, grab some strawberries and a chocolate dipping sauce before I realise that everyone else is still standing up.

"What?" I ask look back and forth between Josh, Claire and Justin's weary faces.

"I don't like this Kayla, we should go back to Council now, I have a weird feeling about this," Claire says after a quick searching look around the park.

"Fine, let's just get out of here," I say, feeling upset.

I start picking things up and putting them in the basket and it's only when I drop the container with the lettuce in it that I realise that my hands are shaking and that there are tears run down my cheeks. Josh finishes packing up the picnic and then leads me back to the car. When everyone is in the car we start heading back to the Council on the way there we start driving past a florist.

"Stop, go back to the florist and pull over," Josh says quickly.

Nina finds a park and quickly pulls over, Josh jumps out telling me he will be back fast that he just wants to get something quickly. I sit in the car for a couple of minutes and wait for him. When he comes out he has a large bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you, my beauty," he says handing them over after he climbs in the car.

"They are so beautiful, I love them," I tell him, as I take a big sniff of their fragrant scent as we start heading back to Council again.

"I picked lavender roses because the mean love at first sight and enchantment which is how I feel about you. You enchant me and it was love at first sight. I also picked pale peach roses because they mean modesty and you are full of modesty. I picked the yellow roses because they mean Joy and delight which are things you make me feel and they also mean 'I care' which is something I want you to know. I picked out light pink roses because they mean admiration, gentleness, grace and sweetness which are all things you are full of and things I feel towards you. I picked the purple irises because they mean wisdom and you are full of wisdom. I picked the tulips because they are a declaration of love and I picked the white and yellow calla lilies because I know your favourite flowers are lilies," he tells me wrapping his arms around my shoulders. The thought he has put into this one small gesture cheers up slightly.

"Thank you, it means so much to me that you did this for me," I say pulling out of his arms to give him a peek on the cheek and then snuggling back into his arms.

We sit like this all the way back to the Council where we are promptly whisked to the Council room to see King Ian and Zach.

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