The Royal and General Bank

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Alan Blunt had finally stepped down from his position as top dog. After using Alex to do his bidding for so long, the government had had enough of it. He had left not too long ago and for the past few months, everything was well.

Mrs Jones sat in the office that had once belonged to Alan Blunt. She was the new head deputy of MI6 now. And she was certain about one thing. She would never use another teenager at her disposal ever again. It was a vow she planned to keep as long as she remained head.

She was flipping through a file on Razim, the late Scorpia agent killed on Alex's latest mission. So far, Scorpia had gone up against the teenage spy extraordinaire three times and three times they had failed. Scorpia would be humiliated to the extent that no one would want to hire them ever again. Alex had made sure of that. Mrs Jones had sources telling her that Scorpia was no longer causing anymore trouble. Either they were laying low or (she highly doubt) they had been disbanded.

She sucked on her peppermint as she looked at the other multiple files piled up on her desk. They contained all the information on Winston Yu, Levi Kroll and Julia Rothman that MI6 could get their hands on. All she had to do was decide what to do with them.

An alarm had suddenly blared in some part of the building, interrupting her. She checked her computer which had also acted as a monitor that was connected to the many hidden cameras in this building.

On the screen, it showed the flickering image of the second levelled corridor. A teenage boy with blonde hair was taking out multiple guards with his karate skills, throwing bodies twice the size of him around like rag dolls.

What really surprised her was that he had been holding a gun. But there were no gunshots heard so far, and as she zoomed in, the pistol was not a silencer. It was a 1911 Wilson pistol. If he had fired a shot, it would have been heard even from her office.

Alex Rider turned back to the camera, as if he knew it was there. Perhaps he did as he stared straight at it. His eyes were ice cold and dead serious. His lips mouthed the words that as clear as if the sound was audible. "I'm coming for you."

Mrs Jones had no choice. She did what she had to do. She reached for a tiny red button under her desk and clicked it.

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