What it takes to be a spy

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Kevin Stoll sat back in the leather cushioned chair in his office. His fingers toyed with the tiny Bryan Adams figurine. He had always been a huge fan of the Chelsea football team. He went to their games whenever he could and supported them like a true football fanatic.

Kevin opened a red file with the name 'Alex Rider' labelled on it. He had heard a lot of amazing rumours about the particular teenage spy extraordinaire. The son of the legendary John Rider, Scorpia's traitor agent, and nephew to MI6's top lackey, Ian Rider. The boy was to continue his family's legacy. Some said the Riders possessed the devil's luck. But their luck would eventually run out. And when it did, Kevin would be there to see to his failure.

There was knock on the door and Kevin jerked his head up. "Come in." He grunted. A man with a crop cut hairstyle entered. He wore thick glasses and looked as if he had just graduated from school.

In fact, he did. Collin Clarkson was an undergraduate who had left Harvard University with an outstanding IQ of beyond 200. He was one of the newer recruits that had been seen to be hired by Kevin himself. He though him an exceptional candidate due to his vast intellect on computers and the like.

"Mr. Stoll, sir. We have the results on Alex Rider."

"Is it good news or bad?"

"Um... sir..." Collin stammered, he shifted his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "We had a reckless attempt with trying to coax the teenager out with a break in sir."

Kevin rubbed his temples. A break in?! For goodness sake. What did they hope to achieve by resorting to such unnecessary measures? He tried to calm his nerves.  "Whose idea was this?"

"Miss Redheart sir. She requested that we do not heed your instructions and act on our own. Thus, the break in. And Alex Rider escaped." By this time, Collin was about ready to wet his pants as he felt intimidated under he big man's stare.

"Inform her that I would like to have a word with her in private. Tell her to meet me in the White Room please. Now."

"She's on Malagosto training some of our newest recruits from ages nine to twelve sir." Collin replied.

"Then row over there and tell her to connect a line to me so that I may have a word with her. How incredibly stupid are you, Collin? Did you really graduate from one of America's most prestigious univerities or did you make that all up?"

"I did sir."

"Then go." Collin nodded and scrambled to do as he was told.

Adeline Rosaline Redheart had been working as one of Scorpia's head members for a long time. She was as old as the late Max Grandell who had died due to a fatal encounter with some deadly scorpions. His body was found dead sailing calmly on a wooden canoe on the blue ocean waters.

She sat relaxed in one of Scorpia headquarters training facilities. She was currently overseeing some amateur recruits to see to if they were up to Scorpia's expectations. Adeline twirled a pencil in her hand, the other supporting her head.

Adeline had been recruited as one of Scorpia's teachers due to her specialty in the vast martial arts. Today was just observation.

Then, she heard her voice being called out. "Miss Redheart. Mr Clarkson is looking for you. He says Mr Stoll requests you to connect a line to him from Malagosto, ma'am."

Adeline sighed as she nodded, dismissing him. It was definitely about the lame break in thing. Kevin was probably pissed off his brains by now.

She activated her laptop, a MacBook, and typed in an encrypted coded password, twenty-five digits in all. She would change it every month for extra security measures.

She went on video chat and clicked on the number. There were a few ribs before he picked up. She could see the white cream wallpaper of his office from her side of the screen.

"Mr Stoll. You requested my presence?" She said in a bored tone.

"Ms Redhearr. Mr. Clarkson has informed me about your recent little break in. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? A lame break in to coax the teenage spy extraordinaire into our hands. Surely you haven't gone mad? Mind enlightening me on it?"


"Go ahead."

Adeline smirked. Her fingers were splayed on the desk as she looked straight into Kevin's blue eyes who was waiting for an explanation.

"Rider has undoubtedly played exactly into my hands. He is doing exactly what I have predicted he would do. We will have Alex Rider. Patience virtue."

"Very well, Miss Redheart. I trust that you have it under control. Send Yegor Gregorovich in to complete the mission. We have a Rider to kill. Let us not waste this blessed opportunity."

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