No Pain No Gain

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Alex had left through the way he had come through in the first place. He had stolen a Black SUV from down the street, hot wiring it. Even though he was too young to drive, he didn't care.

He had driven all the way to the Royal and General Bank. A facade for an organization known as MI6 or British Intelligence. The SUV weaved through the vehicles like water running pass rocks. When he had reached his destination, Alex swerved into a corner and got out of the vehicle, gun in hand.

He didn't plan to use it. It was just a back up weapon just in case things got too rough. He knew what is was like killing a person with a gun. The feel of the trigger, knowing the life of your victim depended on your choice, the nauseating feeling he had felt when he had finally pulled it. He never wanted to feel it again.

He strolled casually into the building. All the usual people were there. Some agents he hadn't met before but might have seen them, some he hardly knew at all. All of them had recognised the teenage spy extraodinare who had taken on Scorpia single handedly and had humiliated them. They didn't notice the gun that was tucked  beneath his shirt and jeans.

Alex didn't approach the front reception desk like he always did when Mrs Jones or Alan Blunt had invited him. He didn't want Mrs Jones to know he was here. The rest of the occupants who were all agents had gone silent. Some were whispering about themselves. Some gave him sympathetic looks as they thought he had been sent on another mission by Mrs Jones herself.

He made no gesture to return their looks. Some of them had been brave enough to approach him. As soon as one of the agents had even come as close as a foot, Alex flipped him on his back. The agent fought back but he was just a trainee. Immediately, others had begun to run towards him. Alex flipped them one by one like it wasn't any of his business. Some stayed in a fighting stance and took him on but their attempts were futile. When you were the son of the legendary John Rider and had been trained by Ian Rider, you were guaranteed no match.

Alex hadn't even broken a sweat and already there were piles of groaning bodies lying around him. Some he thought, had a concussion. He had hoped he hadn't hit them too hard. Once there were no more agents to deal with, he made his way to the upper levels, fighting his way to Mrs Jones's floor by stairs.

When he had reached the second floor, he took out a whole army of agents. The siren was blaring. But he didn't care. He noticed a hidden camera and knew full well that Mrs Jones was watching this entire scene unfolding. He stared straight at it and said the words with venom dripping from it, "I'm coming for you."

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