Tobias Forge - I Missed You [NSFW]

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It's been a months since I last saw Tobias. He has been on tour while I stayed at home looking after Belial, Tobias 's fat long haired cat. Don't get me wrong I love this cat but Tobias spoiled it and he became fat to the point the cat tree snapped under him. This is why you should never trust Tobias with anything living, not even a gold fish. We had a goldfish... it died, quoting Tobias "I don't know what happened! It just committed suicide!" I really should've learnt from the fish. Anyway. Tobias was supposed to be at home a few hours ago but he was nowhere to be found. They probably stopped at Simon's for a few beers nothing to worry about.

I fell asleep waiting for him. I had a beautiful dream, Tobes and I were getting married, in a beautiful garden decorated with red roses. Since I was a little girl I loved red roses. There was just something about them that mesmerized me. Suddenly my eyes popped open as I realized I pretty much passed out. I yawned as I got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Tobes" I said it in a tired voice yawning as I walked past him, firstly it didn't click, and then suddenly it did. I slid back to the corridor and I saw him standing there raising a brow with a confused look. "Baby!" I exclaimed as I ran up to him and jumped on him wrapping my arms around him burying my face into the cold fabric of his leather jacket.

"That's better" he chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. "I missed you beautiful" he gently squeezed me then slowly started to rub my back.

"I missed you too Jens" I smiled then I pulled away enough to look up to his beautiful face that was reflecting sorrow and stress, something happened. I hated seeing him like this; when his beautiful face wasn't brightened with a smile. "Is everything alright my love?"

"Yeah just had a little misunderstanding with Martin on the way home and I guess it just got to me" he forced a smile then he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Don't worry älskling*"

"Sounds like you need some relaxation" I smile as I gently caress his cheek. "How about this? While you get undressed, I draw you a hot bath, you get in, while you're in I cook up some dinner then once you finished I give you a nice long massage then we pop open a bottle of red wine and have a quiet, peaceful dinner. What do you say?"

"That this is the reason why I'm marrying you" he smiled and gave me a long passionate kiss and I just smiled into the kiss. I knew he needed affection and care tonight and I was ready to give him everything he needed.

I draw his bath, lighting some candles as I knew the smell of chamomile will always relax him. I smiled as I looked around the bathroom feeling proud for turning it into his sanctuary. Just the thing he needed that moment, a place where he could relax, and clear his head. I gently cross my arms as I remember how many times we flooded the bathroom because we had a bath together and we splashed so much water.

"Oh God, thank you my beautiful" I let out a small giggle as he wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck. "I will definitely need this. Do you mind rubbing my back once I get in?" he asked as trailed kisses along my neck and I just bit my lips.

"Not at all darling" I smiled and with reaching my hand back I caressed his cheek that was actually next to mine as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Alright Forge, get out of your clothes and get in"

"Hmm not the first time you said that" he grinned as he gently let go of me then slowly got undressed. I took a deep breath as his bare torso caught my attention. I bit my lips as he pulled his boxers down at last. "Say the words and you know it's all yours" he smirked as he caught me looking at him. He pulled me closer to him and gave me a long deep kiss and I felt as his member becoming harder and harder.

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