Tobias x Martin x reader - Post Gig Surprise [NSFW]

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I think this is by far the worst I have written so I apologise. I hope you will still like it love. This one goes out to the lovely TobiasFudge. Thank you for being patient lovey. 



It happened after the Ghost gig. The show was absolutely incredible. Papa was amazing and lustful as always and ghouls were so energetic and rocked the whole venue to its core, but just like everything it had to come to an end. I walked out of the venue with a sigh, it felt like I was dreaming, it was just so surreal finally seeing them live. I did not want it to end. With a sigh I decided to drown my already set in post gig blues into alcohol so I walked into the bar across the venue and started poisoning myself with Jack Daniels. Wasn't really fan of drinking alone but I had no other choice now did I?

As I sat there drinking the golden liquid suddenly I heard a very familiar laugh from behind me. I turned around just to see Martin and Tobias sitting alone in a booth at a hidden corner of the bar. It was dimly lit but I could recognise them anywhere. With the alcohol already in my system my nerves seems to disappear and I decided fuck it I'll go talk to them. What's the worst that could happen, right?

I might have been tipsy but I was sober enough to walk in a straight line. I approached them with confident steps but the second they looked at me with a smile I just froze. I stood awkwardly rethinking my life choices and realizing this had to be by far my stupidest idea ever.

"Hi" I finally spoke up with a rather unsure tone as I bit my lips awkwardly looking at the two man who just looked at me curiously then chuckled softly.

"Hey, how can we help you darling?" Martin gave me a warm smile as he looked at me. God that smile, he could melt whole Antarctica with it and he so did melt my heart.

"I just seen you guys and you were amazing" I smiled as I slowly eased up mostly thanks to Martin's warming smile.

"Well thank you, it's always nice to hear we did good" Tobias chuckled softly then stood up and motioned to the place next to Martin. "Would you like to join us?"

"I don't want to bother you guys" I smiled awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck but he just rolled his eyes with a smile while Martin held his hand out. I bit the bullet and sat next to Martin then Tobias sat back down next to me.

"So will you tell us your name beautiful?" Martin asked with a smile as he took a sip from his drink.

"Its Karissa" I smiled softly and they just nodded. Tobias took my hand and placed a kiss atop. "Beautiful name to a beautiful girl" he gave me a charming smile and I just bit my lips.

"I second that" Martin nodded with a half smirk. "Can we get you a drink at all?"

"I'd take a double JD with ice on its own" I smiled then nodded a thank you as Martin stood up and headed to the bar.

After that we spent the following 2 hours talking about music and random shit we could think of while getting absolutely square hammered. Out of the blue suddenly I felt Tobias's hand slide up my thigh while he gave me a dark, lustful look with a smirk. I felt Martin lean into my neck and placed a soft kiss on the base of my neck that made me let out a small sigh.

"What do you say we take this to our room?" he whispered in a husky tone while suddenly brushing his between my legs and it took me all my self-control not to moan. I just nodded with a clouded look then the guys stood up and Tobias held his hand out to help me up.

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