Absolution Pt.1 [Papa Emeritus III. x reader]

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It was a cold December night. The hand of the clock on the nearby chapel just hit 11. The bells creepily started chiming filling the empty streets with a melancholy yet beautiful tune. There isn't a soul around. The fog eerily covers the small village. Typical. Its nearly time for the turn of the new year but snow is never to be seen but fog and misery.
You slowly walked down on the old cobbled streets, nothing to be heard but the echo of your boots tapping against the worn stones beneath your feet. A road which you known so well since you lived all your life in this godforsaken place they call home.
You scoff as you gaze upon the crucifix in the nearby window. They were everywhere, on doors, windows even in the gardens. Sacred Haven -suiting name isn't it?- was a very religious town. There was not a single person who wouldn't attend to the masses that's including you. You never truly believed, you found it absurd that there's a magic in the sky but for the sake of your parents who always loved and supported you, you did it and obeyed.
As you walk down the path to the bridge, connecting your small hidden from the world to the outside world that song returned to your head.

I feel your presence amongst us
You cannot hide in the darkness.

You didn't know what it was, or where it came from but it was in your head from time to time. A bittersweet lullaby that brought you peace and comfort. You quietly sang along to the song as you walked onto the old wooden bridge.
You close your eyes as you walk over to the railing and inhale the chilled air surrounding you. Once thr cold air fills your lungs you start singing again.

Can you hear the thunder?
Can you hear hear the thunder that's breaking?

"I see you learnt my song" suddenly an unfamiliar voice brings you out of your thoughts. "It's nice to finally meet you y/n" he continues in a strong accent, Italian maybe? You turn your head to look at the source of the voice.
A man. Around 5' 7 with raven black hair and skull paint on his face. The black tailored suit ever so perfectly covered his beautiful figure. Then I notice the unfamiliar upside-down cross shaped crest on the left above his heart.

"Who are you?" I cock a brow as I look at the man standing with crossed legs on the thin railing of the bridge leaning against one its pillars. He has an impressive balance for someone so old.

"I am the shining and the light my dear. I am the one you have been missing from your whole life" he says in a soothing tone and a slight smirk on his black and white lips.

"Don't talk to me in riddles" You growl a bit as your annoyance grows.

"I am the one who they call Papa" he smile then with a cat like elegance he jumps off the rail right in front of you then bows.

Your eyes widen as you hear him say Papa. "Papa Emeritus.." You whisper as you look at the man now standing in front of you.

"Ah" his lips curves into a smile when he sees you recognised him or heard of him. How could you not? He was the cast out. Many tales has been lingering about him, that he kidnaps children and tortures them in the burning pits of Hell. Many says he was the very spawn of Satan, that he is the right hand of the devil. His soul as black as the night and his heart as cold as ice. They told you to stay away from him and if you ever have the misfortune to meet him you should pray for your life. There's other tales that he is the messenger of death or death himself.

You look at him but you didn't feel threatened. Dispite the things you heard of him he didn't seem like someone who can be so evil, but maybe that's why the tales are true. The devil takes many form to deceive people.

"You don't seem to be scared of me my love" he speaks up again with a soft tone that weirdly calms. His voice is like a sweet lullaby yet still feels like a poison running through your veins. The sweetest poison.

"I am not like them" you say quietly and look away. You hated that you were different, because you always felt like you disappointed your parents even though they have loved you even if you never let the Lord in as they said.

"Oh I know you are not, hence I chosen you" he says with a bit more serious tone and you look at him questioningly. "To be my messenger, to serve the dark Lord. To help me bring absolution to these mindless sheeps"


"Well my darling to clean their soul. To save them from damnation" he says with a smile and offer you his hand which you take without hesitation. "Be my servant my darling" his sweet tone lingers through your body and sends a shiver down your spine. He lifts your hand up to his lips and place a soft kiss atop.

"What do you want me to do?" you look at him and his lips curve into a smirk.

"I want you to sin" he says in a mysterious tone.

"Do I have to kill someone?" your throat runs dry as you ask the question.

"No, my darling. I want you to commit the act of the devil" he says softly and slowly runs his gloved hand down your body. "Will you give you body and soul to the devil?" your heart pumps in your throat as your body tremble just from a single touch of his and your deepest, darkest desires awaken.

"Yes, I will" you whisper without even realizing what you said.

"Good" he smirks. "We shall seal the deal" you look at him confused until he pulls you closer to him and presses his soft lips against yours. Without any control your body presses against his as you rap your arms around his neck and lean into his kiss. Just as you would deepen the kiss he pulls away with a chuckle. "Now, now my dear. Don't be hasty. I will be back soon enough to prepare you. Until then my dear, now rest" he says with a soft tone and place a kiss on your forehead and suddenly everything goes dark.

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