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my alphabet boy

it was the next day and harry was already up and ready by 7:15 am. he was sitting down in front of his vanity table, fixing his curly locks so they wouldn't look as messy.

harry grabbed his socks and a pair of shoes beside him before slipping them on his feet.

the green-eyed boy stood up once he was done, walking over to his already made bed and slipped on his pink and purple wind-breaker that was laid out.

harry made his way out of his room and went down to the kitchen where anne was sipping on tea. "good morning, momma." harry greeted with a wide smile on his face. anne returned the smile and placed her mug down, "good morning, you look nice today."

harry thanked her and pulled at the end of his new skirt he got a few days ago.

"are you hungry? i could cook something real quick, i'm sure we have time," anne glanced down at her watch

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"are you hungry? i could cook something real quick, i'm sure we have time," anne glanced down at her watch.

"no, it's fine. i'll just get some cereal." harry smiled and walked over to the kitchen cabinets.

he grabbed his favorite cereal along with a bowl and a spoon. "okay then," anne chuckled and picked up her mug then sat down next to harry. the green-eyed boy filled up his bowl and poured the milk in it. "i have the afternoon shift today so i'll be driving you to school today."

harry hummed as he munched on his cereal. "we'll leave in a few minutes so finish up," anne announced and stood up from the table, walking over to the sink and dropped her mug in there. "i'll be back," she called out and left the kitchen.

harry finished the last of his cereal and washed his bowl before grabbing his school bag. "i'm ready," harry called out as he waited for his mum by the front door. he smiled at his mum when she showed up with her car keys in hand. "let's go," anne smiled, opening the door and walked out after harry.

the curly-haired boy opened the door to passenger side of the car once he heard it unlock and sat down, closing the door after and buckled his belt. harry looked over at anne when she settled in and smiled, "i'm going to get a tutor today."

"that's great! do you know who it is?" asked anne. harry shook his head, "no, but i'll find out today." anne nodded her head, "okay, just call or text me when you're done." she entered the school gates and stopped the car. "i will," harry leaned over and kissed anne on her cheek, "bye momma, i love you."

"i love you too," anne replied and watched as harry got out of the car. he shut the door and waved with a dimpled smile. anne smiled once more before she drove off. harry went out to the field and to the table where he knew niall and liam would be.

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