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for the past few weeks, harry can honestly say that he's been the happiest person and every day has been amazing, all thanks to his friends, family, and louis. the green eyed boy's grades are better now and there's less sessions now. the two have gone on more dates and each of them are wonderful.

speaking of which, louis and harry were going out on saturday and harry was excited, it being their fifth date. it was thursday night and the curly haired boy was sitting in the living room watching dumbo while messaging louis who was suppose to come over, but his mum wanted to spend time with her lovely son.

mom's making me watch some cooking show with her, help me !!

harry giggled as he read the message louis sent a few minutes ago.

what are you talking about?? cooking shows are amazing! xx

harry placed his phone next to him on the couch and stood up to grab a few snacks after pausing the movie. the seventeen year old came back with a fruit bowl and a small bag of gummies. he unpaused the movie and shoved a spoonful of fruit in his mouth.

a small pout was on his lips as he watched the scene where dumbo's mommy cradles him in her trunk from behind bars. the doe eyed boy continued watching the movie when his phone dinged after a few minutes and he reached beside him, checking the message he received.

then you should come over and watch it with her, you two would get along x

the green eyed boy's breath hitched at the thought of meeting louis' mum. though they've been 'dating' for a few weeks now, the two haven't met the others' parents, unless you count the few times the two boys had seen their mums around at school, though harry wouldn't mind meeting the blue eyed boy's mother officially. in fact, he couldn't wait for the day (hopefully) when he'd meet louis' lovely mother and vise versa.

maybe i should (^-^) it would be very lovely xx

louis smiled at down at his phone as he read the message his angel sent. he's been thinking about it now for a while and the blue eyed boy thinks it'd be nice for harry to meet his mum.

soon, very soon haz :) gonna try to sleep now so good night and sweet dreams, my angel.


the next day at school was going by quick, it may have been because it's friday or the date with louis tomorrow.

earlier that day louis sent harry a message saying that he won't be able to come to school today because he had something important to do. it's lunch and the green eyed boy took his time walking to the cafeteria with liam by his side.

"oi, lads!" niall called out from where he stood outside of the cafeteria doors, pushing back his blond fringe to the side. "i've been waiting here for so long now," the blue eyed boy said once his friends got closer and the three walked in to the noisy room.

"five minutes is long?" liam chuckled as he avoided bumping into the moody teens with trays if food. "it is when i'm hungry," the blond turned to liam with a playful smile on his pink lips. "i've brought ham sandwiches for us today," harry exclaimed with a smile towards his friends.

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