twenty three

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

harry woke up in the morning, a small yawn slipping past his lips as he rolled over and got a view of louis' exposed chest. he smiled up at his boyfriend and let out a soft sigh as he hid his face in louis' warm chest and closed his eyes, waiting for the older boy to wake up. his eyes fluttered open once again as he heard a low groan above him and he looked up at louis with wide green eyes. "good morning loulou," he giggled softly and wrapped his arms around louis. "morning, my beautiful little sweetheart," louis spoke, his voice raspier than usual from sleep. harry bit his lip as he looked up at louis through his lashes, his cheeks burning bright red.

louis caressed harry's cheek and hummed softly to himself, admiring how green and bright harry's eyes were and how wide he smiled in the morning. "you really are the most beautiful person i've ever seen in my life," he whispered. "i love you," harry smiled softly and pecked louis' cheek, becoming a little shy under the blue eyed boy's stare. "and i love you," louis repeated and hugged him close to him. they talked quietly amongst themselves until they heard loud voices behind their door and the two giggled, sitting up to check on their friends.

"good morning everyone," harry chirped and moved from where he stood to give each of his friends a warm hug. "morning harold and lewis," niall grinned as he gave the smaller boy a tight hug before releasing harry and walked towards louis with wide arms. "ven aca muchacho," niall cooed and wrapped his arms around louis. "oh god," louis groaned, but he couldn't help the grin that crawled onto his lips as he patted the Irish boy's back. the five found themselves in the kitchen not long after, laughter and a few curse words (though harry scolded them gently, telling them that it wasn't polite to cuss) was the only thing heard in the once quiet house. it wasn't long before jay came down the stairs and stared wide eyed at the mess in front of her. "louis tomlinson, you're cleaning this up," she spoke, a bit amused as she looked around and a gasp left her lips when she saw harry, quickly walking over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"oh harry! it's been a while. i've missed you, love," the mother cooed and held him close to him, "i've missed you too, jay," harry giggled and wrapped his arms around the woman. "thank you mother for your hug, it truly made me feel warm," zayn joked around, his arms crossed in front of his chest. jay rolled her eyes playfully and pulled away from harry after planting a kiss on his forehead and pulled him in for a hug, along with louis who was standing next to zayn. "good morning to my beautiful boys," she hummed and gave them both a kiss on the cheek before she moved away and smiled at liam and niall. "and who may you two be?" she grinned as she hugged them as well.

"i'm niall and this is my boyfriend, liam," niall grinned and patted the the woman on the back. "nice to meet you two, you're always welcome here," jay smiled and released them from her hug. "thank you! and you're sure your louis' mum? you're so much nicer than him!" niall pouted and ignored the look louis shot his way. "he's quite a lovely boy actually," jay laughed and moved towards her son before she pinched his tanned cheeks, only cooing as louis complained, his face turning bright red as his friends stared at him . harry couldn't help but giggle and grabbed louis' hand when jay moved to help zayn make the pancakes, scolding him softly for burning her pans. "i love you, loulou," the smaller boy smiled widely and stood on his tippy toes to plant a small peck on his lips.

"i love you too. angel," louis grinned and picked the boy up before setting him on the counter top. "oi zayn! you better not have burned the food," louis called out to his dark haired friend who just waved him off. "he can't even cook, who even let him?" he scoffed a little and shook his head. what a proper idiot, louis thought to himself. "um, i didn't know that, he offered to help so i let him," harry spoke quietly, a small blush on his cheeks. "oh! that was such a nice thing of you to do, baby. the sweetest person ever, you're such an angel," louis stood between harry's thighs and planted kisses all over his face. harry just giggled, his cheeks warm as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and hid his face in louis' neck.

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