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on monday morning, louis picked harry up from his house after the curly haired boy sent a text to niall, telling him that louis was picking him up and drove them to school, the two happily enjoying each other's company. "does your mum know about us?" louis asked, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his boyfriend's -it feels good to finally say that- hand, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb.

"yeah, she wasn't surprised," harry answered with a small shrug. "she wasn't?" louis asked, chuckling in amusement. "nope, she thought we were already boyfriends," the green eyed boy giggled as he pushed away a few locks of hair from his face.

"oh! almost forgot, she asked me to invite you over for dinner, and maybe bring your mum if you'd like," harry said nervously, fiddling with his fingers. louis nodded silently before he responded with delight, "sure, i'd love that and i think my mum would want to tag along as well, which reminds me, you should come over soon so you can meet her." louis has been wanting for harry to meet jay for a while now and thought it was time as harry and him have been dating for a few weeks before officially becoming boyfriends.

"really?" harry sounded astonished as he smiled brightly at his boyfriend. "course, darling. i've already met your mum and i think you should meet mine, plus i've been wanting for you to meet her for a while now," louis answered honestly as they arrived at school, parking his car in an empty spot before rushing out to open the curly headed boy's door.

the couple entered the school holding hands and it's not like they haven't before, but this time, it was different, more like special. it was then that the couple walked down the hall as boyfriends for the first time where they can now share their sweet moments, kisses and hugs; finally be able to proudly call the other their boyfriend.

niall was the first to notice the happy pair approaching them from where he was sitting next to liam. with a mishievous smile, the bleached blond spoke with curiosity, "something's different between you two..."

"well," louis started and turned to look at harry, both with red cheeks, "harry and i are boyfriends." while liam smiled at them widely and congratulated the couple, niall made a show as he placed his hand over his chest, "oh thank god! i thought you were gonna say harry's pregnant or something, you two are practically glowing! but anyway, congrats," the blue eyed boy grinned.

liam chuckled at one of his best friends before and took a look at the two boy's faces who were as red as a tomato. "when did this happen?" the brown eyed boy asked. "saturday," louis answered in his raspy voice and explained how when the blond wanted to know.

"aww, that's sweet," niall commented and liam nodded by his sided. the bell rung and the two boys that sat on the floor stood up, niall, louis and harry waved bye to liam and the three walked to their first class. louis chuckled as niall talked about who knows what a couple of steps in front of them and leaned down, "you look beautiful today, you always do everyday," the older boy whispered into harry's ear.

"thank you, so do you, always," harry replied shyly causing louis to chuckle and kiss his soft cheek. once they've reached the slightly filled class, the two took a seat next to each other with niall sitting on the other side of harry like usual and the girl who used to sit on harry's right side now in louis' old seat.

harry and louis were facing each other and giving each other small kisses on their faces as niall finished doing his homework assignment before the class would start. louis jumped startled when someone placed their hands on his shoulders and turned to glare at the person, rolling his blue eyes when he saw it was just oli.

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